Should I get an MMJ?


New Member
Heya. I'm a 19 year old Cali boy and I'm considering getting an MMJ. I've had crippling anxiety for years and I feel marijuana can help. I know I want an MMJ but my parents are very anti-weed and they're the one's paying for my college. Anyway, could my doctor find out if I got an MMJ and, if he could, could he tell my parents?
First things first, you are 18 and an adult, you can make your own choices.

Secondly, if you are living with your parents and you know they are against it, you should save up some cash before they find out, which they will given your attitude. Parents know their kids better than you probably know. If they try to pull the “not under my roof card” you can keep our freedom and bounce to your own place.

Lastly, if I were you, wait until thc is descheduled federally from being classified as a schedule 1 drug. People have found ways to use cannabis since it’s earliest prohibition times. We are years away from that being overturned, hang tight. If you elect to get a mmj card, you are giving up your second amendment rights to possess, use, or own a firearm. If you get a card, you may be on a list somewhere. The second amendment is probably the largest freedom we have an American citizens. Don’t give that freedom up just for easy access to cannabis.

Be safe and take care brother
Heya. I'm a 19 year old Cali boy and I'm considering getting an MMJ. I've had crippling anxiety for years and I feel marijuana can help. I know I want an MMJ but my parents are very anti-weed and they're the one's paying for my college. Anyway, could my doctor find out if I got an MMJ and, if he could, could he tell my parents?
To answer your questions directly: No, your regular doctor cannot find out ANYthing without your consent. It's part of the HIPAA medical laws in our country. Plus, even if you give him/her consent to receive this info from your MMJ doctor, (s)he is 100% bound by this federal privacy rule because it's federal law and covers all states. This prevents doctors from sharing your medical info with ANYone, even your parents, your school, etc. Again, unless you give consent.

Hope this helps... :smokin:
To answer your questions directly: No, your regular doctor cannot find out ANYthing without your consent. It's part of the HIPAA medical laws in our country. Plus, even if you give him/her consent to receive this info from your MMJ doctor, (s)he is 100% bound by this federal privacy rule because it's federal law and covers all states. This prevents doctors from sharing your medical info with ANYone, even your parents, your school, etc. Again, unless you give consent.

Hope this helps... :smokin:
I know that this thread is a couple of years old but the info is so important. CBDbud is right on the spot with this.

When a person turns 18 they are now an adult. If they are worried about the patient & doctor confidentiality the first thing to do is talk to the doctor about it. Not about the health problem or the Medical MJ card, but talk about the MIPAA itself. Ask for the paperwork, read it and then sign, date and give it back so it becomes part of the records at the doctor's office. If going to more than one doctor fill out and sign the paper for each of them.

Patients should realize that it is best to allow the patient's doctors to share info between each other.
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