Should I make it all up now, or as I go along?


Well-Known Member
I infuse coconut oil for baked goods and have enough of both right now for a couple of months, but wanted to ask if it's better to make a lot up at once when the cannabis is ~2mos old and keep it in the fridge, or should I make it more as needed? Is there a time window when it's best to use the cannabis by?

I guess this goes to the question of whether cannabis degrades more over time in it's natural state vs after it's gone through the process of being infused into coconut oil, and by how much and should I really care!

my understanding is that infused oil can become rancid , but,, perhaps that might take some improper storage to do that.

my infused oils last months, but i do not use coconut oil, i use grapeseed,, but i hear coconut is great as well

and, i only make a bout a half liter at a time

i use mine for topicals much much more than cooking,,

cheers friend
my understanding is that infused oil can become rancid , but,, perhaps that might take some improper storage to do that.

my infused oils last months, but i do not use coconut oil, i use grapeseed,, but i hear coconut is great as well

and, i only make a bout a half liter at a time

i use mine for topicals much much more than cooking,,

cheers friend
Good point about oils going rancid. I think that's more likely if they're not kept cool, at least that's what I heard when it comes to olive oil, keep it cool and out of light. I keep my coconut infused oil in the refrigerator, though I think I'm going to stick with making reasonable sized batches like I've been doing. Thanks for the feedback!
Good news. Coconut oil from the store does not require refrigeration and has a shelf life of up to two years. Once you cook it, place it in Mason jars and refrigerate it. I have two year old that is like day one.
Properly stored and cured bud doesn't lose that much potency with age.
About 10% per year, so if you start out with say a 25% THC bud after a year you will have about a 22% bud and that 2% isn't actually lost its turned into CBN which for me I like.
I have bud that well over 2 years cured and I really don't notice any loss of potency even though technically there must be a small loss.
But the addition of few % of CBN which has its own attributes is a plus as far I'm concerned.
And even though there is supposed to be some loss of overall terpenes, I find the flavor of properly cured cannabis far superior and very smooth.

I liken it to a fine cigar.

If you want the most potency for the longest storage then make a strong alcohol tincture, store in a UV blocking bottle and put in the refrigerator, that will last pretty much indefinitely.
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