Siamese conjoined twins?


New Member
Hello 420 community. New to the online growing gangs. Am a trained agronomist and Bioengineer so now appreciate the science behind plants. Also been a life-long MJ disciple :-)

Anyway I started my 1st indoor grow tent set up and the BlueDream Auto from THSeeds is 3-4 weeks old and baffling my understanding of these plants.

It has 1.5x normal leaf growth???? Started as a normal Dicotyledon and then grew the normal set of 2 leaves, but inbetween each node is the half. A single internodal leaf set perpendicular to the normal 2 leaf set.

Anyone seen or heard of this? Cant find anything resembling this?

My best theory is that it's some sort of mutant that displays traits similar to the description of mammalian Conjoined twins. Like it has the plant with half another plant joined on its side?

Any feedback on this little query would appreciated.
Really what I'm hoping for is a plant with 2 kinds of flower, both parent strains or the hybrid and one parent. 2 bud kinds, 1 plant.

If anyone is interested I'll start posting pics and make a grow journal out of it.

Really what I'm hoping for is a plant with 2 kinds of flower, both parent strains or the hybrid and one parent. 2 bud kinds, 1 plant.

If anyone is interested I'll start posting pics and make a grow journal out of it.


First, welcome to the site!! Glad you joined!

I would love to see pics of what you are referring to, as I am sure many others would as well. A journal would be worth it as well. :thumb:

Also, I some links in my signature if you need help uploading pictures to the site. :Namaste:
Thank you Dan. Nameste indeed!

I'll upload some pics tomorrow (GMT) lunchtime.

It could be nothing, but it could be interesting!!! Imagine a plant with female and male flowers (NOT a hermie) you could crossbreed a plant........with itself!?!?!?!?!?!!? (one too many tokes hehehe)

Thanks for your reply dude :thumb:
I'll also upload some on a different thread with my other strains.

FYI Mephisto genetics 24 carat.........Its enormous, same growth stage but the leaves are like it said on the breeder spec, "the size of dinner plates!!" It doesnt have a stem, it has a TRUNK! only about 15-20cm tall but 2ft wide, WIN!

Welcome to :420:

We'd definitely need pictures to know what you're describing accurately.

As for a plant that produces 2 different types of flower, from any combination of hybrid, parent, parent is quite possible, but how would we know when it occurred? Unless the scent or appearance of the buds is drastically different, it'd be difficult to tell. And the odds of it happening would be fairly low in my opinion.

I have heard of people grafting branches from one plant onto another, and the plant grew 2 entirely different types of bud, as if the branch was left to grow on the original plant.
Greetings Antics :thanks: for the :welcome:

Yup defo, I really wanna go take some, but I rotated it to the back of the room and dont fancy disturbing the girlies again today.

WTF? Cool Ive never heard of this. What they snipped a crowning up cutting, dipped it in rooter and made a slit in the side of a stem and it all linked up? How did they connect the xylem and phloem to function? (with great concentration and really small tools lol)

This has had no such fancy trickery (as you will see in the pics) just a seed in some peat mix and an air-pot.

I totally agree it would be highly unlikely (more like wishful thinking) but, for the life of me in all the threads posts, websites and grow guides, but I havn't seen this. Seem some freaky weird and wonderful mutations and bizarre pheno traits. Its probably just a knackered plant lol.

RE how could you tell: That would entirely depend on which alleles were different, If its an F1 or IBL backcross with the main parent strains (Blueberry and haze) the buds could look quite different. I'm trying to find more info on the lineage but cant find anything useful.

Anyway, enough of my hypothetical dribble, pics and time will tell!!!

Well as for the details on HOW they did it, I have no idea. I'm still learning myself, but it's one of the things I've read. I would guess that the graft was done in Veg, to avoid stressing a flowering plant though.

They've actually been doing it with other plants in horticulture for years, apple and pear trees are some species used, they graft an apple, or pear tree top, when young, onto the root ball of another plant/tree (I do not know which species is used for the root ball), and this root ball has a limited growth, thus creating dwarf apple and pear trees that usually won't exceed 8-12 feet/2.5m-3.6m, versus their full grown counterparts which can grow as large as 30 ft/9 meters or so.

As for what you're seeing, it's not abnormal to find leaves, or cotelydons that appear strange or abnormal. After all, just like us humans, plants are part of nature as well, and subject to abnormalities and mutations. It shouldn't have any effect on the plants life time, or buds it produces though.

You're not completely wrong though. You actually have a really good point, and until reading your post it was something I never even considered, but now that you mention it, I'm sure somehow, somewhere, it could happen. I just wouldn't hold my breath waiting for it, as I'm sure if/when it did happen, it would be rare.
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