Silver Fox - 2nd Grow - Organic - Bubblelicious - Snow White - Aurora Indica


Well-Known Member
Hello thank you for stopping by this journal. This is my second grow and I hope to have just as much fun as my first!

My set-up

400w apollo mh/hps

Pro mix organic soil
Week 5-6 will be transplanted to a mix of sub cools super soil.
My temps stay 76-70. Rh at 50

Fox farm nutes as needed.
My grow room is a closet in the basement. It's 3x6x7 lined with mylar. 2-4" fans one intake and one exhaust as well as 1 circulation fan inside the room .

I grew 2 plants the first time and have decided to grow 3 this time.

It is very addictive. Way more than actually smoking, although smoking your own is a whole new experience. Watching your friends get monged out on something you grew is something special.
Here's the latest pic. Syphrez. My grow space is about 3x6x7 and is literally a small closet inside a larger closet in my basement makes holding temp and rh a breeze. My tremps only got to 77 one time last grow otherwise it was 75-76. My rh is right at 50-55 but I turn on dehumidifier during last couple weeks of flower to drop it to about 35. I currently am using a 400w mh/hps one day I will bump the size up but for learning and my needs this is great.

I'm thankful for Mates such as you guys. This forum has been nothing but great. :420:
Still amazes me how quickly these plants get up and go. 8 days almost 4 leaf sets! Can't wait to start lst.

I'm really trying to remember to give nutes around 2-3 weeks my first grow that was one of the only problems I had just started feeding a week to late and had some yellowing leaves around a month. Got the problem fixed quickly but I'd rather not have it. Coincidentally I also learned you can have to much Nitrogen lol.

The best way I heard it described was

Heriloom:"you have a love toxicity and a confidence deficiency "
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