Simple Workaround for Mobile Issue

I if you're stuck using some kind of "mobile" device, it runs Android OS, and you're using the Chrome web browser... You may have noticed an issue in which the "menu icon' only appears when you hold your device in vertical orientation, which is, to be kind, unwieldy for web use. So, you turn the device to a horizontal orientation - and that menu thing disappears! "No problem," you think, "I'll just tap on the '420 Forums' link, and it will give me a pop-up menu like it does on a desktop/laptop, and I can select my subscribed threads list, unanswered posts, new parts, et certes as per normal."

Except, when you do, that menu only appears for about half a second because the forum software ASSUMES you only did so because you with to be taken to the main forum page (why then does it display that menu for a brief moment? Who knows, lol).

I figured out a really simple workaround to force the forum to sort of work as intended, and decided to share it with you because... well, let's face it, trying to interact on a web forum on a device that has a tiny display screen and (generally) no physical keyboard is stressful enough without things failing to function correctly. Here is what I discovered:

If, instead of tapping the "420 Fortuna" link to bring up the menu, you instead tap-and-HOLD the thing, you will get the standard Chrome mobile menu that you can use to open a link in a new tab and other things. Then, just tap anywhere else on your screen other that that Chrome menu - and it will go away, leaving you with the (intended) 420 Forums menu!

It's kind of a PitA, but not a RPitA. And it allows you to access you subscribed threads list, read unanswered threads (and maybe answer some), etc.

Got any other tops/trucks to help us "crippled" (tablet / cell phone) users¿ Please post them! (Thanks¡)
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