Skoondawg's Soil, South African Bag Seed, HPS & CFL SCROG Cabinet 2016/17


Well-Known Member
2 x South African Bag Seed SWAZI // SCROG 250HPS + 200W CFL Closet Grow // Organic //
Hey guys!

Not new to the 420mag forums, been doing hours and hours of reading and research over the past year or so. Finally decided to post my current grow.

Currently 25 days into flower
Strain: Probably a mix - leaves do look thin so maybe leaning more towards sativa?
Seed: Outdoor SWAZI bag seed
Light: 250W MH (veg) & HPS (flower) & +- 200W CFL (2700k +6400k)
Box: 3.6ft x 1.7ft x 3.6ft
Hood: Stainless Steel hood with high reflectivity
Temp: 22-27 deg Celsius
Humidity: varies between 40-60%
Pots: 2 x 15L Plastic tupperware containers sealed with black tape
Medium: Potting soil mixed with perlite, vermiculite, worm castings, bone meal, diamaticious earth, epsom salts, turbo grow rock dust, fine dolomite lime.

Water with ph'ed (6.5) water and added Kelpak every water during veg, Added blackstrap molasses to my water once flowering started, add kelpak now and then.

Struggle to get seeds down in Southern Africa, and only my second grow so wanting to just learn and improve with each grow - therefore stuck to just bag seeds. Fortunately have managed to get some cool strains through contacts -sour diesel, chiesel, lsd, black domino, a kush strain etc - exciting, will be used for a perpetual grow in the following year.

Anyway back to the grow:

Germinated a bunch of seeds using the paper towel method, planted into solo cups once tap root showed, lightly watered, covered with plastic wrap to raise humidity and off we went.

Sprouted a couple days later - 20 October. At that point in time i had two 85w 6400K CFL's raised above the seedlings. Growth was slow as it is with cfl. Kept the lights close.


3 weeks in and i got a 250w MH which i installed into my hood, kept the two 85watt suspended on either side of the MH bulb because i felt adequate light wouldn't reach to both sides of the cab so i figured supplemental lighting would help?

Transplanted two healthiest solo cup plants into big 15l containers, another two were planted into more or less 1 gallon pots. Both the 1 gallon plants showed signs quite early. One male and one female. The two big containers - one looked lanky and stretched and i assumed it to be male - a couple days later i spotted a ballsack/male preflower and culled it - replacing it with the female from the 1 gallon pot. The other big pot turned out to be female too - YAY :D Still risk of hermie with these seeds so holding thumbs.

Suffered from an iron deficiency (can be seen in the photos) which was due to lock out as my soil ph was too high. I corrected and the plants recovered in 2 weeks or so. I had a manual ph test kit which showed my tap water to be ph 7. Turns out the ph is actually 9,2 (tested with ph pen I got myself). Therefore this grow has been over shadowed by ph fluctuations.. hopefully doesn't hurt my yield too much..

Installed the screen and tucked for the next week and a half (prior to the screen i had topped once and lst down the main branches down with gardening wire - the screen is quite low on the plants because of that and because my height is limited).

Switched to 12/12 on the 1st of December, kept the MH bulb on for the first 12 days of flower to minimise stretch, then replaced with 250W HPS. Kept the two 85W 6400K CFL for a week then decided there was too much blue, and they were blocking a lot of the light from the HPS bulb. I removed them. Added 20 W CFL all around the HPS bulb instead [SEE IMAGES]

5 days into flower:

13 days into flower:

19 days in flower:

with the HPS off:

23 days in:

Latest pics are about 25 days into flower - turned the HPS off (leaving the +-240w of CFLS on) for a moment to take pics:

ANyone know what problem im having? It looks a bit like manganese defeciency?

Watering every 2 days, these girls are real thirsty, and are currently going quite nicely. Hoping they fatten up considerably but you never know with these unknown genetics.. might be let me down but will be positive as they look good.

Please feel free to give any tips or pointers. My first proper grow and hoping to get some nice yield and bud as well as good practice for the next round of better genetics.


re: Skoondawg's Soil - South African Bag Seed - HPS & CFL SCROG Cabinet 2016/17

Welcome skoondawg all good you got some nice looking sativa genetics there. regards

Thank you Improvise. It feels nice to finally show something of my own, glad you think its good :D Quite pleased its turning out to be more sativa. Do you have any idea what deficiency i may be dealing with?
re: Skoondawg's Soil - South African Bag Seed - HPS & CFL SCROG Cabinet 2016/17

Salut met n nommer ou LoL subbed up bru also from Cape Town, I know the bean struggles! I might try and get some beans in 2017 from GYO Seedbank, will be making my own fem beans from that also so I will have some klas strains. Setup looks reg, hang los


re: Skoondawg's Soil - South African Bag Seed - HPS & CFL SCROG Cabinet 2016/17

Salut met n nommer ou LoL subbed up bru also from Cape Town, I know the bean struggles! I might try and get some beans in 2017 from GYO Seedbank, will be making my own fem beans from that also so I will have some klas strains. Setup looks reg, hang los


Whats up brother! Nice to see you stop by! Followed your first CFL grow and was so sad to see you got a male (n) glad to see your second grow is doing well - awesome set up too, jealous about that light :D

I see Greensmokersroom new site is up and apparently working well too - i was thinking of doing a seedbank next year but managed to find a friend who had some lying around which is lucky, you have no idea how happy it makes me to know i may have decent genetics.. tough down here bru, everything available overseas and much cheaper :'(

Keep in touch though, we gotta help one another all the way down here in the south (y) New to forums, how does one sub a forum/grow journal? Yours for instance?
re: Skoondawg's Soil - South African Bag Seed - HPS & CFL SCROG Cabinet 2016/17

Nai bru you just comment onto the journal and that subs you automatically. You must add me on Whatsapp. Yeah the first CFL grow was such a bust but learned alot there and this LED grow is going good. Might want an upgrade on it to get some klas results. Either upgrade this panel/setup or get a Perfect Sun 500. I paid R8300 for this 700w panel from Mars directly

re: Skoondawg's Soil - South African Bag Seed - HPS & CFL SCROG Cabinet 2016/17

Okay awe i will do so on your journal tomorrow ! Send me your number and ill do so no prob. Yeah i definitely want to go LED but gonna wait till they get a bit cheaper here, also i think HPS will give decent results for now and i dont mind waiting. Going to build a bigger cabinet and run a perpetual grow harvesting monthly with a 600w HPS in the flower box, should be fun :D

R8300 is pooesss expensive haha! they must have naaied you with import duties and VAT or did you get around that somehow? But ya its an awesome light and sure it will get you klas results with it, probably just need better genetics! I wouldnt mind maybe piggy backing on your seed bank order? we can split delivery make it more worthwhile. Just heard that getting through CapeMail is hard, easier through joburg
re: Skoondawg's Soil - South African Bag Seed - HPS & CFL SCROG Cabinet 2016/17

Awe they are kaaak expensive. The Perfect Sun 1000 is like 16/17k. I would smaak a side HPS grow bru will be jas to have that. But only like a 400w nommer. Either that or with upgrading the Mars panel I will be pulling the same 400w the HPS will trek but much better results I would imagine. I paid 8300 with import duties and shipping and vat all that nommers. So really good if you think about it specially looking at the local LED panels available. You would need to explain the piggy back vibe bru will gou send my number

Yasis bru, 16/17k- im first gonna get my growing on point before i spend so much xD. Nice thing with the MARS is that i imagine you have a warranty in case any diodes burn out? Buying the cheaper LED panels here, you dont really get that bonus of having warranty.. thats why im sticking with a ballast and HID - cos i feel ill have less problems with it in the long run, just replacing the bulb. But LED definitely on my radar, waiting for that lekker deal somewhere! So out of that R8300, what was the price for the panel alone?

I see youre rocking that HT125 inline fan - you buy it from the hydroponic store? Is it too powerful for your tent? Or do you just not like to use it cos of the sound? How loud is it?

Hey guys (Improvise and Pat - hopefully more soon)! Back with an update for you.

It is Day 30 of bloom, been 5 days since the last update/pics and the buds seem to be taking over the plant and slowly getting bigger. Got short vertical colas as well as horizontal buds throughout - trying to keep everything nice and dense because i'm only running a 250w HPS and it doesn't penetrate very deep.

Here are some pics:


Im currently a little confused and in a dilemma as to what problem(s) i am facing here and i was hoping to get some advice as to what to do before i make the wrong call and worsen the issues at hand. I have a number of leaves showing different deficiencies:

The plant on the left:

Showing signs of stems going purple, small tints of purple appearing (Phosphorous deficiency?) :

Is this a potassium deficiency or what?

I have been adding molasses (1Tablespoon per +- 1 gallon) to my water probably twice a week, other wise i just water with ph'd water and kelpak. I know it contains calcium, magnesium and potassium so am i simply adding too much which is causing a lockout and thus deficiencies? Or am i suffering from too little nutes?

I also have some red spots on the leaves - both calcium defeciencies and toxicity seem to show red spots i think (Im not 100% sure) and therefore im not sure which way im leaning: Other leaves also showing spots here and there.

The plant on the right:
Seems healthier in general, probably to do with the fact that one of my ladies' soil was made after the initial batch and therefore nutrient levels are not necessarily identical.

The far right cola (furthest from the hps) has leaves clawing:

Some leaves at the bottom of the plant have withered and fallen down (only three smallish leaves) which i forgot to take pics of. Also i have some lower leaves slowly turning lighter shades of green all over the leaf. There are also a few red spots here and there on the right hand side plant.

Lots of little issues, ive had ph fluctuations in the beginning of the grow but it has been corrected with the purchase of a PH pen, i water at about PH of 6.4 and the runoff seems to come out around 7. I always think this is due to the dolomite lime buffering the soil? But then why would i have a calcium deficiency? Thats why im worried it may be toxicity.

Thats it for this update. Any help or tips or comments would be greatly appreciated :D

See you in a few more days!

Keep it irie peeps :)

Sup bru looking mooi. If the pH is that high it might struggle with taking up nutes. I suggest a nice flush with the water pH'd to about 6.0. Flush it good and then test the runoff from that to see how much it is. I know soil needs to be about 6.0-6.5pH. It could be too little nutes and pH wrong so it isn't taking anything in. You could also buy the Hortimix from the hydro joint where your lady stays bru. R100 for pack of three and contains alot of macro and micro nutes. Just also ask for a feeding schedule then start it off with a little in pH water for about 6.4-6.6. If you have any more questions brother you know what to do.

Also that purple on the plant is fine mine also does it. Comes from bending the stems sideways.

Hang los ballas :passitleft:

Whats up all. Back with another update. Hope you all had a good new year - all the best!

The pictures are taken from the 5th of January so we are 36 days into flower.

36 days into flower
- thinking another 5 weeks more or less

The last 11 days have really grown, no longer see any stem. Hoping to pack on a bit more weight - hope to get 100g dried from this grow. Who knows we will see!

Thats it for now!

Please feel welcome to drop by and sub, give any tips or advice or comments!

Awe people :) Keep safe

Hey guys! 4 days later and ive got some more pics for you.

Day 40 of Bloom


A few photos showing yellowing of the lower leaves (especially in the plant on the left) I know as we drawer to a close in flower leaves begin to yellow. I am worried that it is a bit too early for so much yellowing. Worried my soil ph might be a bit high (even though i hoped the dolomite lime would buffer at ph 7). I tried adding a bit of all round liquid nutes (4-1-3) higher in nitrogen to aid in this but i dont think it helped very much. GOing to just let her be and see how it goes and ensure my ph is correct in the next grow. A bit hard for me to flush in my set up and im also hoping the remaining nutrients within the soil will be enough. I am adding molasses every other watering (once a week at 1 TBSP per gallon more or less).


Plant on the right (more sativa dominant)


More general pics with different camera options and some with the lights off and the flash on:


Thats it from me for now! See ya'll later - have an awesome week :thumb::Namaste:
OH by the way - anyone wanna give an estimate on how much longer they should go for? First time flowering so wondering how much longer - im thinking about 20 days or so more? Got my loupe at the ready so i will know when to cut :) just not sure how many days away that is though.

At the moment all the triches are still clear. I would like to harvest when the trichomes are about 90% cloudy/milky - might leave it a bit longer for a little bit more of that couch lock. Not too sure yet :D

very nice indeed. bottom leaves thing i think is natural look out for same thing happening in future grows and compare overall. liked the pic of light setup and plants of course. yeh depends how u like your smoke 20-25 be about right for the left one, the sativa one probably be a while longer. i like loads of amber lol. regards
Whats up Improvise - thanks for the advice! I also read its common later in flowering. I was just worried it may be a bit early for so much yellowing but yeah we will see in future grows - however i plan to grow different and proper genetics next time round :D

Think ill let the left plant go a bit longer and get the couch lock and harvest them together so the sativa will be less amber and more head high. Decisions decisions

Hey guys just a little update:

The plant on the right that had the brown spots has gotten worse over night:


After doing some further research i came to believe that i have a calcium defeciency that is quite far along.. Can anyone validate this for me? I plan on watering tomorrow and adding some dolomite lime to supplement the plant with some calcium and magnesium.

Please let me know what you guys think! 41 days in, dont want to mess up now :(

Peace :Namaste:
Very nice skoondog. Plants are looking nice indeed.

The yellow leaves at the bottom are normal as you progress through flower.
Looks to me like you have a ways to go yet, lots of white pistils being thrown.
Those buds will fatten up very nicely in the near future.

Very nice skoondog. Plants are looking nice indeed.

The yellow leaves at the bottom are normal as you progress through flower.
Looks to me like you have a ways to go yet, lots of white pistils being thrown.
Those buds will fatten up very nicely in the near future.

Thanks for stopping by Ditch. Both his plants look like those spots on there. Not too nice, could it start showing these signs so early?

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