Smart Test For Stoner Only....!

i have been told by some that I can come up with very creative ideas and solutions, I am usually a step ahead of most my teachers when they are teaching, however, i believe I am more of a "stupid stoner" in the fact that I loose some of my clairity when discussing intellectual things when I am stoned. I think what you have discribed as a "stupid stoner" would possibly be described better as an "irresponsible" stoner. When I smoke, i honestly say i get more stupid, but I wouldnt say I am a "stupid stoner"
I just took a final exam and made a presentation on some HD technology and management stuff stoned. I did extremely well and won a little backpack for having the highest score on my presentation. I think I would have been nervous had I not been high, I slowed down and let myself talk, confident because I knew what I had to say, but I was high so I didn't give a fuck about what anyone else was thinkin'. Jus nailed that shit to the wall. Anyways, it can be both helpful and detracting depending upon your attitude. I'm stoned smart. peace
beelzeBOB said:
That article is pretentious as hell.

No kidding...everyone feels the need to make rules and standards for how we view marijuana and the people that use it. I guess they need to reassure themselves that they're using it the "right" way. Bottom line: everyone smokes weed to get high. All these rules about reasons for getting high and rationing stashes is a bunch of bullshit.

Just because someone does smoke weed all the time dosn't mean they are not smart and trying their best to make it in life. I have smoked many times before exams, and about every time I have ever gone to class. People all smoke for the same reason. I dont think it matters how much you smoke, thats up to your wallet.
Northern Lights said:
Just because someone does smoke weed all the time dosn't mean they are not smart and trying their best to make it in life. I have smoked many times before exams, and about every time I have ever gone to class. People all smoke for the same reason. I dont think it matters how much you smoke, thats up to your wallet.

Well put Northern Lights.....! :icon_cool

Thank you
MV... :smokin:
I would be some where in the middle. I don't really study for test, but I always do my homework. I put everything off till the last minute, but I always go to class. I think I will be a smart stoner in about five years after college. And I play dumb at school and at work so I don't have to do as much, haha. Smoke evreyday but after my shit is done unless I have a big sack of green:)

Oh well in three years I will have a masters in electronics engineering and life will be good....
must brag, stoner smart, i never bake on exam days, stdy, and i save up for a last minute, and above all, i make sure the general society respect stoners by behaving civillised wheather with a j in my hand or not. i REALLY avoid makin myself, hence the avrage stereotyped stoner/metalhead look bad, so no1 cn say anything against any1!!:)
I'd say I'm stoner smart (ehh... relatively;) I have been known to be a wake n' bake type person. I don't though think being high is an end to itself. I mean I smoke a lot of weed because I CAN. Over the past year and a half I have learned to simply function very high. I mean I use to not be able to work, drive or even think high, now I can easily deal with most situations.
I'm financially brillent and leaning towards stoner stupid, "you gotz to luv that." :allgood:
i think you should look at like. society wants you to believe that smoking pot is wrong, they "brainwash"/tell/preach to kids how wrong it is to smoke pot. When its not. I would like to open my own headshop/cafe one day. and if my boyfriend and I ever get married and have kids, i would educate my kids with facts and let them make there own decisions about weither they chose to or not. and this whole thing about stupid stoner or smart stoner. who gives a fuck. You are who you are.
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