SOG and perpetual harvest question


New Member
ive been doing a lot of research and i have pieced togather most of what i need to start my SOG perpetual harvest. What i would really like is a sample grow room that i can just copy instead of trial and error. I mean way make all the mistakes that everyone else has allready made for me. anyway I have white widow in soil a and i want to do a 1 lb every two week harvest. can anyone direct me to a thread that will tell me step by step how i should do this? Is this a dumb question am i being lazy? help. I will probibly have a 10 x 10 room to work with but if i need more then ill get more and ill be taking clones from my mothers.
here is an idea..

This system is great for perpetual style. The tables with seperate rez's make things easier, all on timers so low maintenance. Just check p.h, fittings, and water levels and your all good.

oh yeah one more thing if you cut the tubes that pour the water back int you rez just a lil higher then then water level then it will oxegenate the water so, depending on the system it will super oxegenate your rez for you so no need to get an air pump for the rez.(these tables i definetly recomend at least 4 tubes, thogh i've seeen it work with as little as 1)
thanks butccher but i a growing in soil. i do want to graduate to hydro though. i just thought i would learn this first.
thanx race fan.

I always wondered if it should be called a nft or ebb-n-flo. I always called it ebb-n- flo cause the timer controls the pump, where as i always thought N.F.T is a constant stream of water flowing down the tubes. Please correct me if i'm wrong. This would settle a lil fight i have with myself on which it really is.
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