Soil question


New Member
Alright i think this is a maybe hmm... have like a 50 percent chance of working. Since im kind of stupid and didnt buy alot of soil for farther future grow for the winter. I either was thinking i could take some soil and maybe mircowave or bake it just to kill the bugs / mytes do you think this could be a bad idea. or do you think its shady to buy soil in the winter. any ideas
Buy more soil. Soil is bagged dirt and there is no law I am aware of outlawing dirt in a bag.:grinjoint:
Only looks bad if you make it that way. For all they know you need to transplant flowers after a funneral. Look online for a brew and grow, we have one here in mn and they have all the soil you need and no questions just helpfull answers.
Yes, you can bake your soil to kill and seeds and germs in there. The bagged soil makers often do just this.

Might take a while to get three or four big pots ready. Another way to prepare soil is to compost it. Just take your old newsparers/ magazines and mix it up with food scraps and weeks and put it in a plastic bin in semi-sun and watch it rot away. Turn the compost or put PVC tubes stuck in to allow for airflow.
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