SoilGirl's Soil Multi-Strain Grow Journal 2014


Well-Known Member
*What strain is it? - I'm going to be growing 2 unknown Hybrids, Black Bubba Kush, Euphoria, Chem Dawg, and Sweet Kush, all from MMJ dispensaries in Denver and Boulder.
*Is it Indica, Sativa or Hybrid? What percentages? - I have Indicas, Sativas, and Hybrids
*Is it in Veg or Flower stage? - My unknown Hybrid #1 (oldest) is in it's very first week of flower as of now, unknown hybrid #2 (2nd oldest) is on it's 5th week of veg, BBK just sprouted :), Euphoria just sprouted, Chem Dawg and Sweet Kush a week into germination.
*If in Veg... For how long? - UKH#1 was in veg for 8 weeks, UKH#2 is in 5th week
*If in Flower stage... For how long? - UKH#1 in first week
*Indoor or outdoor? - Outdoor
*Soil or Hydro?
- Sunshine Mix #4 Organic Soil, and for a few plants, it's mixed with a little of this very red, clay-filled sandy soil I can pretty much get in my backyard (everything grows in this stuff like mad. we have 9-10 foot tall sunflowers that just come back year after year, as well as beautiful peaches and grapes we never have to supplement feed) at about a 1:3 ratio in favor of the Sunshine Mix.
*If soil... what is in your mix? - Canadian Sphagnum Peat Moss, Coarse Perlite, Starter Nutrient charge (with gypsum), and Dolomitic Limestone, also the soil I mentioned above for some of my girls. I'm experimenting with the local soil this grow.
*If soil... What size pot?
- UKH#1 and #2 are in 5 gallon, may increase.
*Size of light? - fricken HUGE, :)
*Is it aircooled? N/A
*Temp of Room/cab? - Temperatures ranging from 80's (Fahrenheit) to mid 100's in the daytime, very humid.
*RH of Room/cab? N/A
*PH of media or res? - ~6.5
*Any Pests ?
- Several, saw mite signs (webbing and specks on leaves) early on, Eradicated quickly with Eco-smart organic spray (Neem Oil-based, but I added habanero sauce to the spray) after 2 applications, no more mite signs. Then, the Leafminers attacked. Picked off infected leaves, treated with Eco-smart, then treated with Monterey Garden Insect Spray with Spinosad. No more leafminer signs. Now, currently dealing with whiteflies, using MGIS, and a Neem Oil-Pyrethrum spray. So far, looks eradicated (but only been 2 days since treatment)
*How often are you watering?
- every 2-3 days or as the weather decrees. I use the first knuckle rule with my plants, worked so far. The weather has been erratic, going from the hottest and driest days to cool, shady days, and the occasional absolute downpour.
*Type and strength of ferts used?
- Tiger Bloom and Jacks Classic Blossom Booster for flowering, starting off with 2 tsp/gal for both of them. 1 tsp Cal-Mag, and watered with collected rainwater catches. I add a tiny pinch of ammonium nitrate based fert for veg sometimes, but my girls really don't seem to need it...when I go without, they still veg out beautifully enough for me.

Anyways, this is my first documented grow, and I won't presume to call myself a pro, but I've came out with some nice buds after a couple indoor and outdoor grow attempts with several strains (jack herer, sour diesel, pineapple kush to name a few, and I will likely post some old pics soon of those grows if I can find them). I hope people can learn from this, and help me out with their advice/experience along the way. I have never grown in hydro, and don't plan on it... Soil has always tasted better to me, and I've been a MMJ patient in CO since I was 18, smoking almost every day. Hydro always seems... metallic tasting to me. So, I'm looking to grow a quality organic soil product outdoors for long term personal use/sharing with friends and family.
Above: First 2 Pics, respectively: June 15, 2014, my unknown Hybrid #2 in early veg and my unknown Hybrid #1 about 5-6 wks into veg.
Next 2 Pics: June 30, 2014, unknown Hybrid #2 with my little sprout-lings Black Bubba Kush and Euphoria, then unknown Hybrid #1 showing early signs of underwatering, but just beginning to flower.
5th and 6th pics: a zoom-in on the first signs of flowering in my UKH1 and then a zoom-out on it.
Last 3 pics: clones I never expected to live, took the 2 large ones from UKH1, the smaller, best rooted clone is from UKH2. I used some dyna-gro rooting thing that I doubted would work, this is my first time cloning, but lo and behold: roots! cool.
Thank you both! Glad to share! Colorado organic weed is the Best!
Happy 4th of July Guys!!
It's easy to feel patriotic in a state like Colorado :D
Alright, so today I did several things, but I'll start with the bad news. My only Sweet Kush seed left, while it looked like it was germinating well, stopped germinating mid way through (IRDK why) and the little first root seemed to... rot out. when I took it out of the cup I'm germinating it in inside a drawer, the little white first root just popped out of the seed. Bye Sweet Kush, maybe next year. Fortunately all other germinating seeds look well. Right now I have 2 Chem Dawg seeds germinating, 2 more Euphoria, and 1 more BBK.

Otherwise, today I did the final transplant for my largest plant, UKH#1 into a 5/6 gallon pot. The mix I used is about 3 or 4 parts Sunshine Mix #4 Organic, 1 part of my local red sandy-clay soil I mentioned in the first post, and 1 part homemade compost, with a little added perlite. She looks happy already, pic is below. I'm considering a clean water flush for the beginning of flowering, but today I watered her w/ 1.5 gallons, with 4 teaspoons Tiger Bloom and 4 tsp jack's classic, 1.5 tsp cal mag and adjusted the water pH to 6.5 - any thoughts?

I also put my very first successful clone into soil today, it's a clone of UKH#2, and I'm really surprised that it rooted so well. This mix is 2 parts Sunshine #4 Organic, 1 part local red, 1 part compost. I'm experimenting with the local soil, and with our homemade compost, since everything else in our gardens seem to love the mix.

Here's a pic where you can see my little Black Bubba and Euphoria sprouts.

And here's my UKH#2 reaching up towards the sun, beautiful day today.

edit: whiteflies now look eradicated on UKH#1, no more little silvery spots popping up, no bugs fly away when I move my plant. ;)
by the way, on my UKH#2 above, I noticed the edges of the leaves beginning to curl upwards, is this just the heat/it can get pretty hot here, or might this have to do with nute availability? I've given UKH#2 specifically only the tiniest pinch of ammonium nitrate based nutes, and pretty much nothing else. any thoughts? I'm not the most experienced grower, but I'm learning every day.
My sativa plants leafs do that on the hot days as well. They are trying to shade them selfs. Your plants look very happy and green. Happy 4th
Thanks for the sub Lester! :)
And oh, alright, thanks for the advice CO Finest, I just thought I'd ask to be sure. I was also thinking that the UKH#2 is more sativa-leaning than UKH#1 based on the way its trying to stretch out more than #1. I'm getting a sweet, piney smell from UKH#1, and UKH#2 is starting to give off a light, fruity smell. its frustrating not knowing the exact strain, but kinda intriguing seeing what comes out of the random-seed lottery.
nice plants soilgirl! subbed into this one.

check my organic homemade pest spray for your ladys. its worked great in the northwest for me. however ive never had those digging leaf critters u have there. would love to know if it works on them. i see in another post you are aware of habenera, the soap helps it linger on the plant.

nice plants soilgirl! subbed into this one.

check my organic homemade pest spray for your ladys. its worked great in the northwest for me. however ive never had those digging leaf critters u have there. would love to know if it works on them. i see in another post you are aware of habenera, the soap helps it linger on the plant.


Thanks for the sub and share! I checked it out, sounds great, covering pests in homebrewed habanero-insecticidal soap spray sounds like just desserts. I may add garlic to your recipe for my vegging plants :)
make sure to be outside or wearing a mask when you spray it as you most likely already know. its home made pepper spray and it kills ha. first time i made it i sprayed in a 5x5 room inside a 25x20 room and was no ventilation, i got through about half a bottle before i was oozing out of every where. will not do that again. adding extra herbs are great because the mites tend to like to get immunity's i always like adding something theyre not use to. the soap definitely helps as it slows them down and suffocates them.

my unknown plant that ive been training (took a clone couple weeks back) looks to have shown a lil seed sack. so its seperated right now just so i can confirm it for sure, its real small got a picture on my journal. really sucks because that was my prize plant that ive been training, was almost identical twin of itself.

make sure to be outside or wearing a mask when you spray it as you most likely already know. its home made pepper spray and it kills ha. first time i made it i sprayed in a 5x5 room inside a 25x20 room and was no ventilation, i got through about half a bottle before i was oozing out of every where. will not do that again. adding extra herbs are great because the mites tend to like to get immunity's i always like adding something theyre not use to. the soap definitely helps as it slows them down and suffocates them.


Hahaha thanks for the concern =) but yeah..... first time I mixed habanero sauce (just a bottled habanero sauce) with my neem sprayer I did it in a little shed, and though the first couple sprays weren't bad, after a minute I ran out of there coughing and crying lol.

and I'm really sorry to hear that, maybe it will still turn out female... in CO I actually know a few dispensaries that almost always have seeds (which is usually a turn off, but its a grower's dream, free feminized seeds with every gram :P) oddly, none of my seeds have ever turned out male. none, out of ~20-25 germinations. I've grown all seeds from inside of old buds though, which I suppose means they're "feminized". any time I found a seed I just put it away safe.
my unknown plant that ive been training (took a clone couple weeks back) looks to have shown a lil seed sack. so its seperated right now just so i can confirm it for sure, its real small got a picture on my journal. really sucks because that was my prize plant that ive been training, was almost identical twin of itself.


I'd honestly keep the male and breed my own genetics in a small indoor closet if I were you :) always kinda wanted a male to pop up though I know nothing about stabilizing the genetics. Who knows, you might have a awesome father for your own strain.
i talked about this in another post, i built a specific closet just incase i got a male. (i find it hard to believe people throw seeds away when they are more valued in my opinion)

i can not confirm for sure, but green lion farms where i get my clones and seeds told me that with organic seeds there is no way to make it feminized 100%. would love to know if anyone can back this up at all? anyone hear about it?

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