Spam's First Indoorish Grow - Bubble Gum & Wonder Woman - DWC/Hempy!

Legit Spam

New Member
Hey everyone, I'm off on my first grow in some years. Not Medical, pure recreational(Woot, Colorado) grow here..Two days ago I picked up one Bubble Gum & One Wonder Woman clone up of a buddy of mine. They are going to become momma's & will typically be kept in my back yard to utilize the sun. I do have a 32"x32"x60" grow tent with a 100W LED from Lighthouse Hydro, 4 20 watt 2700k CFL's & one 42 watt 6500k CFL in there(hope to pick up one more LED before flower)

Anyways, this isn't new to me but it's been 12+ years since I've grown so I'm taking it easy for now..

What strain is it? Bubble Gum & Wonder Woman

Is it Indica, Sativa or Hybrid? What percentages?Not certain but if their true strains then 70/30 sativa(bubble gum) & 60/40 indica(wonder woman)

Is it in Veg or Flower stage? veg

If in Veg... For how long? a few weeks

If in Flower stage... For how long?

Indoor or outdoor? both

Soil or Hydro? hydro
If soil... what is in your mix? 75/25 perl to verm

If soil... What size pot?na

Size of light?222 watts overall

Is it aircooled?yes

Temp of Room/cab? 70-77F

RH of Room/cab? 30%(tough to get it higher without raising temps until it cools off enough to start the AC)

PH of media or res?7

Any Pests ?not yet

How often are you watering? when they need it

Type and strength of ferts used? GH 3 part for now until I get halfway through these bottles & then I'll order BP nutes

Pics of the last 30 hours, I haven't killed them yet:)






I will probably only update once a week. Lots of plans & fun ahead & I'm glad to be a member of this site..
Week one update!

I stepped up the nutes to 5/5/5ml per gallon, topped them to get some branching & did a mild flush. They seem to be doing well. Had some minor brown spots but I'm hoping it was just the super mild feed they had for the first week. Will watch it to see if it gets worse. From what I understand it's likely too little mag or N & the new feed strength should sort that out. Anyways, here's a few pictures & I'll be back in a week if things are going smoothly with another update. They will be getting a larger pot next week once I've seen them recover from the topping..Peace 420 mag...

A little sour diesel for me:)



Weekly update. I cleaned my tent, feed the girls a 10/10/5 (grow/micro/bloom) mix. I thought I saw some spider mites(already:( but I guess that is why they suggest not starting from a clone as they can bring them in) two days ago so I was a little aggressive with the Don't Bug Me & burned a few leaves. Over all they are looking great, wish they grew faster. Will probably re-pot them soon into some 2 gallons, just don't want to deal with the instability of the 2-liter...I'm hoping I can start to bonsai soon & use the tops to get something flowering. Wish me luck!




Welcome to week three...Moms are doing well, finally picked up a PH meter so I can be more confident in my feedings...Nipped the Moms to begin bonsai work & cloned the tops into 4 new babies...It's their third day in the cloner...Come one root...I'll be flowering these clones at 6-8 inches to learn more about these plants stretch & needs before I go into a larger batch of clones...Shitty pics for ya...

First some Death Star I picked up for 4/20...This is an incredible strain, lovely high & versatile...



Starting week four! I made a dozen clones yesterday & I've also let my RH come down to outdoor levels(16%) to get the mothers ready to go outside for the summer...I just don't have the space to keep them inside right now...I will in the fall, actually the tent their in now will become the veg/moms tent then & I'll have another for flowering...I upped their feed to 10/10/5 to spur some faster growth as I plan to pull another 24 clones when these root...I'm getting the outdoor patch ready...Should be able to move them out there in a fortnight or so but need to get my soil made up ASAP..When these clones root I will be vegging them to about 6 inches then flowering to get a feeling for them in flower...So ready for summer! Pics


Thanks Legal, I believe they are happy girls. This Hempy medium(75% Perlite/25% Vermiculite) is amazingly simple to grow in...Lots of air & easy to flush a mistake out of...Think I'm gonna transplant the moms tomorrow!
I popped a Candy Kush bag seed today...Found two but the other is tiny & unlikely to sprout...Candy Kush will be grown in my backyard(don't care if it's male or female, seeds will be fine for me)...Not sure how I feel about the smoke so I might just trade it to a buddy for something I enjoy! Also transplanted the Moms into their final 3 gallon pots.....They loved it!
Week five update....Moms are doing great..Only have one rooting clone from my first batch 17 days ago...Should I just throw it away now? I didn't put much effort into them, more a see what they do on their own cloning...The other 13 clones are doing wonderfully, 8th day for them...My Candy Kush bean is growing well, it will be grown outdoors organically & I'm hoping for a male so I can breed it with my Wonder Woman & Bubble Gum to have some seeds for next summer without spending money ...Still feeding 5/5/5ml per gal...The hempy medium doesn't seem to like just water so they get feed every time! Anyways, pics time....

Moms basking in the sun yesterday, it's starting to get real nice during the day but last night was 32* so not time for outdoor just yet...


Second batch of clones, did these proper so I'm hoping for an 80% success rate.


Candy Kush, just got the seed 3 days ago & look at it:)





I will probably only update once a week. Lots of plans & fun ahead & I'm glad to be a member of this site..

Plants are cool and I'm subscribed :) but seriously picture 3....... what a breathtaking view!!! If that's were you live ur a lucky man
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