Special K Indoor & Outdoor Grow - My First Grow


New Member
Strain: special k

all seeds are germinated between paper towels and planted in jiffy pots using pro-mix mycorrhizae growing medium

this is my first grow so wish me luck!
plants will be moved to their permanent homes soon and placed under appropriate light soon


half of the plants will be grown indoor and half will be grown outdoor
UPDATE: definitely getting some good growth even though my two best plants are recovering. I i found my spot and will be transplanting shortly.
update: first two test guys went outside yesterday, here is them after their first night
#1 [


they're looking OK, didn't get allot of light yesterday but today is nice and sunny so lets hope for new growth!
the plants are doing awesome outside, took out a few small trees that were producing to much shade and now they're getting a great amount of light, i will post pictures as soon as i check on them again in the morning. I also began preparing my second location, i.e. clearing trees and other plant life, digging my hole, transporting soil, it should be ready to plant in by tomorrow i hope, gets plenty of sunlight so i hope it all goes well.

As far as the plants still at my house, two are showing some discoloration and wilting, i posted a thread about it with information and pictures under the FAQ section, any and all thoughts are appreciated

edit: here is the link Help! discoloration on young plants!
Hey man! Just wondering could you have grown them a little more before planting outside? A good size to start (min) 12", just worried for you cause some big fat slug could come along and finish it all!! They look good, keep it up. If you have to leave them, get some slug bait and make circles around them asap!
Thanks for the input! most people on here said I was good to put them out, those two are my trial batch, ill probably let these guys get a little bigger before i put them outside.
got me a chair over here in the corner, seem like a good start sofar:thumb:
thanks fish cake, I'm hoping so as i ran out of nug last night and i shan't be buying more, i hope to become a fully self sustained stoner! As for the little guys here are the first two to go outside as of this morning


here is the one i planted today


gardening in the south is rough shit
stupid clay! LOL looking good tho
thanks man, should the drooping on plant number one bother me? it wasn't in direct sunlight at the time as it was 7am in that picture, but #2 has no drooping at all.

And the clay isn't the problem, its all the damn rocks and huge roots
did you plant them streight from inside? and was it sunny out when you did it?
she may be in shock if any of the above questions are yes. that said not much you can do about it now. just hope for the best
well most gardeners will bring their plants out and let them sit in the shade for a day to let them aclimate to the sun so they dont go into shock and or plant them on a cloudy day.they go from weak light to powerfull sun thats going to shock them.
and they are very young so that doesnt help either. being transplanted is traumatic all by it self.
but its a weed so they should be ok, just remember next time to give them some love :)
Ok thanks man, got the two young-ens in the window sill and its cloudy currently, but they were in jiffy pots so i was able to put them directly into the ground so does that still stress the plant?
they should be ok.
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