Hi Folks
I've been sayin' it, here it is...
New Journal, New Nutes, and New Plants
Sqwheels’ Garden… Powered by Blue Planet Nutrients (BPN)
from clone, breeder unknown - Wonder Woman
World of Seeds - Northern Lights x Big Bud
DinaFem - Blue Widow
Nirvana’s - Aurora Indica & White Rhino
G13Labs - Blueberry Gum
I love all the feedback and good vibes this community brings to my life. And I love growing and journaling, so here we grow again.
If you followed my previous journal you may know/remember most of this but for any newcomers here a quick overview of my setup.
For grow mix I use perlite/vermiculite @ 3:1 ratio, in square pots with holes in the bottom in various sizes from 4-7”, using run to waste style feeding/watering.
For now, I’ll be using my flower room to veg, it’s a closet approx. 4x4’, once I flip these girls to 12/12, I’ll be back to using the little 2x4’ closet, which currently has clones and seedlings.
For lights in the big room, I’m using four 23w cfl’s, 2- Natural Light 5000K and 2- Soft White 2700K set in 2 - 10” round reflectors. I used a Y adapter so each reflector would hold 2 lights, one of each. My light schedule is 12/1 or GLR, the gas lantern routine, same goes for the clone/seedling room with only two cfl’s.
For feed I’ll be using Blue Planet Nutrients 3 part Elite + Liquid Blue and an occasional dose of Black Strap molasses for extra K
I’ve been growing a Wonder Woman, bonsai style, for about six months now, and in April I popped a Blue Widow and a Northern Lights x Big Bud, these are getting the LST-(low stress training) treatment, and just a few days back I popped these three Aurora Indica, White Rhino, and Blueberry Gum.
Let the fun begin…
A few pics from the last couple weeks, we’ll start with the seedlings…I used the papertowel method on the cable box to pop these but I wasn’t able to get back to them in my normal 24 hrs…unexpected company and other stuff kept me from them 2+ days…when I opened the papertowels the tap roots were long, BG about 1”, WR about ¾” and the AI was over 1” and all curled up in an “S” shape. As carefully as possible I planted them into cubes and put them into yogurt cups with hempy mix, I planted the AI on it’s side hoping for the best. To my surprise they have all done just fine…they are almost 2 weeks old now
Aurora Indica...planted on her side. I plugged that hole with a piece of cube I ripped off the side just so the root wouldn't be exposed
they all had their shell and the "skin" inside that (sorry, I don't know the technical term) stuck to them...
I used a wet paper towel and dripped a single drop of water onto that "skin" let it moisten up for a few minutes...then rub the paper towel against it and it slipped right off. I've used this method several times with no damage that I can tell.
You can just see the drop of water clinging to her, I waited about 10 minutes...
I barely brushed it with the paper towel and it came right off and the first leaves sprang open, and you can see the next leaf set already growing...I know people say NOT to "help" the seed cap off but IMO if I hadn't I think it would have deformed the plant
Blue Widow and Northern Lights x Big Bud…I tried to LST these girls but I’ve done a pretty pore job I’m afraid. They have really stiff stalks that don’t submit to bending easily, I’ve broken NLxBB twice already, they’ll need repotting soon, maybe when I get them into bigger pots I can try to tie them down better, I may end up trimming them up and treating them like a bonsai…that type of plant seems to be my best producer so far
And this is the Wonder Woman that’s been growing since Dec. She’s becoming a little unruly. I’ve clipped her so many times that her inner branches are loaded with nodes…I think if I can keep her happy until fall she’ll produce in excess.
These pictures don't really show it but I could tell (my eye is much better these days)... they were showing signs of nute/pH imbalance of some kind...in my last journal I said I thought my GH nutes were getting old, and posted several pics of dead/dying leaves from I think a P def/lockout,something. Those nutes seemed a little thicker than in the beginning...anyway, I've been using BPN for a while and as of yesterday I can confidently say they look happier...
A special shoutout to Corey and Blue Planet Nutes...
for all your help in the past couple weeks...All the girls look much, much better.
Ok, this is a start...I'll do an update with more recent photos soon. The seedlings grow soo fast, and the LST has been ditched...
Let the


New Journal, New Nutes, and New Plants
Sqwheels’ Garden… Powered by Blue Planet Nutrients (BPN)
from clone, breeder unknown - Wonder Woman
World of Seeds - Northern Lights x Big Bud
DinaFem - Blue Widow
Nirvana’s - Aurora Indica & White Rhino
G13Labs - Blueberry Gum
I love all the feedback and good vibes this community brings to my life. And I love growing and journaling, so here we grow again.
If you followed my previous journal you may know/remember most of this but for any newcomers here a quick overview of my setup.
For grow mix I use perlite/vermiculite @ 3:1 ratio, in square pots with holes in the bottom in various sizes from 4-7”, using run to waste style feeding/watering.
For now, I’ll be using my flower room to veg, it’s a closet approx. 4x4’, once I flip these girls to 12/12, I’ll be back to using the little 2x4’ closet, which currently has clones and seedlings.
For lights in the big room, I’m using four 23w cfl’s, 2- Natural Light 5000K and 2- Soft White 2700K set in 2 - 10” round reflectors. I used a Y adapter so each reflector would hold 2 lights, one of each. My light schedule is 12/1 or GLR, the gas lantern routine, same goes for the clone/seedling room with only two cfl’s.
For feed I’ll be using Blue Planet Nutrients 3 part Elite + Liquid Blue and an occasional dose of Black Strap molasses for extra K
I’ve been growing a Wonder Woman, bonsai style, for about six months now, and in April I popped a Blue Widow and a Northern Lights x Big Bud, these are getting the LST-(low stress training) treatment, and just a few days back I popped these three Aurora Indica, White Rhino, and Blueberry Gum.
Let the fun begin…
A few pics from the last couple weeks, we’ll start with the seedlings…I used the papertowel method on the cable box to pop these but I wasn’t able to get back to them in my normal 24 hrs…unexpected company and other stuff kept me from them 2+ days…when I opened the papertowels the tap roots were long, BG about 1”, WR about ¾” and the AI was over 1” and all curled up in an “S” shape. As carefully as possible I planted them into cubes and put them into yogurt cups with hempy mix, I planted the AI on it’s side hoping for the best. To my surprise they have all done just fine…they are almost 2 weeks old now
Aurora Indica...planted on her side. I plugged that hole with a piece of cube I ripped off the side just so the root wouldn't be exposed
they all had their shell and the "skin" inside that (sorry, I don't know the technical term) stuck to them...
I used a wet paper towel and dripped a single drop of water onto that "skin" let it moisten up for a few minutes...then rub the paper towel against it and it slipped right off. I've used this method several times with no damage that I can tell.
You can just see the drop of water clinging to her, I waited about 10 minutes...
I barely brushed it with the paper towel and it came right off and the first leaves sprang open, and you can see the next leaf set already growing...I know people say NOT to "help" the seed cap off but IMO if I hadn't I think it would have deformed the plant
Blue Widow and Northern Lights x Big Bud…I tried to LST these girls but I’ve done a pretty pore job I’m afraid. They have really stiff stalks that don’t submit to bending easily, I’ve broken NLxBB twice already, they’ll need repotting soon, maybe when I get them into bigger pots I can try to tie them down better, I may end up trimming them up and treating them like a bonsai…that type of plant seems to be my best producer so far
And this is the Wonder Woman that’s been growing since Dec. She’s becoming a little unruly. I’ve clipped her so many times that her inner branches are loaded with nodes…I think if I can keep her happy until fall she’ll produce in excess.
These pictures don't really show it but I could tell (my eye is much better these days)... they were showing signs of nute/pH imbalance of some kind...in my last journal I said I thought my GH nutes were getting old, and posted several pics of dead/dying leaves from I think a P def/lockout,something. Those nutes seemed a little thicker than in the beginning...anyway, I've been using BPN for a while and as of yesterday I can confidently say they look happier...

A special shoutout to Corey and Blue Planet Nutes...

Ok, this is a start...I'll do an update with more recent photos soon. The seedlings grow soo fast, and the LST has been ditched...
Let the
