Stem growing slightly bent!


New Member
Hi everyone,

I'll try and make this quick. This is my first grow, helpful criticism is appreciated.details as followed:

She's 1 month old to the date, at about 2 weeks old i transplanted to a bigger pot due to the fact i was going out of town for a few days and didn't want to get rootbound at such an early stage. slightly fucked up the transplant and transplanted roots a little crooked. Otherwise i believe she's very healthy, just starting adding nutrients question to everyone is will the bending correct itself? is this something i should be worried about? Thanks :)
Re: Stem growing slightly bent!!!!

Hi everyone,

I'll try and make this quick. This is my first grow, helpful criticism is appreciated.details as followed:

Have you heard of low stress training? LST enables​ you to manipulate the plant most any way you want. Another tip is when you water, gently press around the base of the plant in order to help the plant stand up straighter until more roots develop.
Re: Stem growing slightly bent!!!!


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Re: Stem growing slightly bent!!!!

Be happy you have so little problems so far that you can afford to make a thread with this spine tingling title. I nearly had a heart attack...
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