Storage Opinion


New Member
I have a half O of great bud.
My options for storing it are a small plastic tupperware container or a large glass jar. I am aware that glass is the best for keeping weed fresh but is it worth it for such a quantity? Also I don't have a smaller glass container so a huge olive jar would be taking up much more precious space than the tupperware. Who thinks it is still worth keeping my nugs in glass?
No fridge that weed is for my eyes only if you know what I'm sayin'.

Sometimes I do it and other times I don't but I would like to know what people think the pro's and con's of adding a little moisture (fruits, or H20) to the stash are?
I am curious if the air inside a larger container is bad for my nugs since you said you would use the smallest container?

I think I will opt for the tupperware even though I find that crystals tend to rub off on plastic easier than glass.
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