Suspicious Girl

RoastABowl said:
snatch???? you like that movie?

You called him a snatch?
Just ask her, if she is she cant say no. Its called entrapment. Gotta love loopholes in the law. Woo hoo.

I said it once and I said it again, cops will break rules if you allow them to. I saw cops once same situaton kind of except with crack. A cop sees a crackhead and he appears to be selling shit. He drives up and asks for some crack, the guy gets in his car. says are you in any way affiliated with any law enforcement agency?
Cop says no, they drive to his house and the guy gets the crack, then the guy is arrested.
ChronicKind said:
I said it once and I said it again, cops will break rules if you allow them to. I saw cops once same situaton kind of except with crack. A cop sees a crackhead and he appears to be selling shit. He drives up and asks for some crack, the guy gets in his car. says are you in any way affiliated with any law enforcement agency?
Cop says no, they drive to his house and the guy gets the crack, then the guy is arrested.

Thats fucked up, i saw a cop show once where the cops took over a drug house and everyone they sold to got arrested!
Mad Cow Steakho said:
RDP, it's suspicious enough that she was talking to you. That must have thrown you off guard immediately.

i actually started talking to her but she brought up the bud which through me off, ASS
Yokogake said:
damnnit, that was the movie, not boondock saints......

no RDP, "snatch" is a movie, a very good one

Oh ok my bad i just thought he was a snatch!
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