Sy11uk's Pineapple Chunk + Unknown - Hydro/Soil 2011


Active Member
Hi, I'm well into my grow but thought I'd start a better late than never journal. This is my 1st grow and I've had many problems (mostly my own doing through inexperience) but I think I'm now getting there. I'll list details below before explaining the plants.
Strain - Pineapple Chunk + 2 Unknown Fems
Type - Indica / Unknowns sorta speak for themselves
Plants - 3 in separate Pots
Age - Pineapple Chunk is about 9 weeks/ Unknowns about 4 weeks

Reservoir size - N/A
Pots - 11 Litres
Temp - 35
Medium - Pineapple Chunk is in Canna Coco/ 1 Unknown is in soil(indoor plant compost) 1 unknown was transplanted into Canna Coco 2 days ago(thought I'd give it a go and see what happens)
Tent Size - 110cm x 66cm x 160cm
Lights - 1 x 400W HPS
Ventilation - 1 x 4" extractor fan, 1 x mini fan inside tent
Nutes for Canna Coco - Canna Coco A + B, Rhizotonic, Cannazym
Nutes for Soil - BabyBio(not needed yet as compost is pre-nuted),Rhizotonic, Cannazym

I originally had 4 Pineapple chunk fems in my tent but through newbie errors(nute burn, transplant shock, heat stress) I killed 3 and put the remaining survivor back a long way and hoping I haven't hermied it. Left nurturing my single plant a friend donated me the 2 unknown fem seedlings about 2 weeks ago. Both unknowns were in small pots filled with soil, they were root bound and needed repotting, only having enough compost for 1 pot I decided to wash away the soil from 1 and attempt to put it in Coco, please advise if anyone else has done this and what problems you encountered, or advise and questions on anything else please.
Re: Sy11uk's Pineapple Chunk + Unknown, Hydro/Soil 2011

Blame the delay on IE9, here's the pics

Above - Left plant is the Pineapple in coco, center is unknown in soil, right is unknown in coco




Above - Close up of Pineapple Chunk
Re: Sy11uk's Pineapple Chunk + Unknown, Hydro/Soil 2011

I know this biggest of the plants looks pretty pathetic for 8 weeks of veg but it was far worse and has really picked up since then, however a few of it's leaves are still browning in places and as you can see in the pic I've had to cut a lot of burnt/dead growth unfortunately.

The PH is always around 5.5 when I water and the run off not much different, and I'm using - Per 10 Litre - 20ml Canna Coco A, 20ml Canna Coco B,(Full strength is 40ml for each), 20 Rhizotonic, 20ml Cannzym. Only started using the Rhizo and Cannazym about 10 days ago and it's made a big difference.
Re: Sy11uk's Pineapple Chunk + Unknown, Hydro/Soil 2011

Lookin like your learning along the way man, that's how u gotta do it, remember to keep posting on here so that people will start following
Re: Sy11uk's Pineapple Chunk + Unknown, Hydro/Soil 2011

I'll try to post more often if I can. So 3 day after last post (28th) I thought the Pineapple was looking a bit crowded so I've tried tying down some branches to open it up a little and maybe get a few more heads


Is this grow still alive?

If so, please update us with some pictures and info.

How about posting a 420 Strain Review?

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I am moving this to abandoned journals until we get updates.

Thanks and hope all is well in your world!

Love and respect from all of us here at 420 Magazine!
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