Well-Known Member
Great post also great that you are giving it a go.Hi all, i‘m following this exciting thread for a couple of weeks now. First of all, please excuse my english, as im not a native speaker. I expect an outdoor harvest of sunset sherbet strain in three weeks. At least three fully grown plants.
So i thought cobbing would be a good idea, at least to give it a try. Ordered a sushi mat today, stole some really fat corn cobs
from the cornfield.Also bought dry tamales husks. Have heatmats, seedlingdomes and an incubator for hatching eggs with max temp of 39’Celsius.
My impression, when i looked at all the cobbing pictures - was, sometimes there were used dry corn leaves, sometimes fresh. The point: that must make a difference in sweating. And also if you wrap it more than one time round (like the dry corn leaves at the pictures above.) Maybe i‘ wrong, but they look like the husk skin is wrapped 2 or 3 times around.
Here my questions: if one uses tamales dry husk leaves, do they have to be soaked in warm water for 10 min or so? And then surfacedryed with kitchen paper?
Fresh corn: should the husk leaves be dry or better somewhat moist.
Do you just fill and close the husk end to end (one layer) or is it okay to wrap it around for two or more times?
Best regards from Frankfurt!
Best to use dry husks or partly dry. I use green most of the time and dont see much difference other than increased moisture content.
As Scottay pointed out above you dont really need anything and if I cant get hold of maize husks I'm quite happy to just chuck the buds in a bag and vacuum them.
But I like the old school look of a maize husk wrapped cob.