Pot Size - Veg-2.0 gallon / Flower-3.8 gallon
Medium - 50% Earth Worm Casting 25% Perlite 25% Pro-Mix
Lights - (2) 400 Watt HID HPS Digital Ballast
Nutrients - Home-made Guano Organic Tea's
Strain(s) - OG Kush, Bubba Kush, Blue Dream
# of Plants: 6
Temperature: 79 Degrees F
RH: Veg- 50-70% Flower- 35-60%
PH: 6.3 Distilled Water Before Guano's
This is my second grow and I am about one month from when I took/bought my clones I am using. I am separating this from my other journal I have going now. I have grown in the past but had only done hydro so soil is kinda new to me and am no pro so any criticism or advice is welcomed.
Medium - 50% Earth Worm Casting 25% Perlite 25% Pro-Mix
Lights - (2) 400 Watt HID HPS Digital Ballast
Nutrients - Home-made Guano Organic Tea's
Strain(s) - OG Kush, Bubba Kush, Blue Dream
# of Plants: 6
Temperature: 79 Degrees F
RH: Veg- 50-70% Flower- 35-60%
PH: 6.3 Distilled Water Before Guano's
This is my second grow and I am about one month from when I took/bought my clones I am using. I am separating this from my other journal I have going now. I have grown in the past but had only done hydro so soil is kinda new to me and am no pro so any criticism or advice is welcomed.