ThatOneGuyy's First Lemon Skunk Indoor Grow


New Member
Ello Everyone. This is my first ever grow and im also not the best at introductions. I will Update with photos as I go along, i merely decided to start my Journal because I'm impatient:cheesygrinsmiley::cheesygrinsmiley:

So i'll start with the general questions

What strain is it: Lemon Skunk
Is it Indica, Sativa or Hybrid: Sativa-Dominant Hybrid
Is it in Veg or Flower stage: Germination
If in Veg... For how long:
If in Flower stage... For how long:
Indoor or outdoor: Indoor
Soil or Hydro:Soil
If soil... what is in your mix: FoxFarm potting soil
If soil... What size pot: 3 gallon pots
Size of light: (1) 2'x4 T5 grow light, (1)400w MH (1)400w HPS{came bundled in a grow lamp kit with reflector and 400w magnetic Ballast}
Is it aircooled: No
Temp of Room/cab: TBA
RH of Room/cab: TBA
PH of media or res: TBA
Any Pests: None(yet)
How often are you watering:
Type and strength of ferts used:I will be Using "Technaflora Recipe for Success Starter Kit"

I'm Starting from seeds, no access to clones at this time.

I'm Still working on my grow area. Needs a fresh coat of paint and the rest of the odds and ends. I should have it set up by Friday at the latest.

Well, If i left out anything feel free to tell me and I can add info to the best of my knowledge. You will be seeing more soon(and hopefully some pics of the newly finished grow closet)

Any and all help will greatly be appreciated throughout my first grow!!:thanks: in advance =D
Re: ThatOneGuyy's First Lemon Skunk Indoor Grow.

Just a little update, I finally finished painting my grow room and just waiting a night before i hang my lights.

Anyways, I Germinated my seeds using the papertowel and a plate method on Aug 16th, and after 2 days the taproot was visible. Today(Technically yesterday) I placed them in my little clone dome with rapid rooter starter plugs. They have been under my T5 light all day and all of them are already reaching out.

Although one of the faster ones pushed itself out of the hole and fell over about 30 minutes ago. I kinda panicked and put if back into the hole. I wouldnt have mess with it but it was completely out of the hole,laying horizontally. I really hope that I didnt kill that one or hinder its grow somehow :thedoubletake:

I know Im lagging on the pics but as soon as these beauties stretch their first leaves i promise to get some pics asap!! :peacetwo:
Re: ThatOneGuyy's First Lemon Skunk Indoor Grow.

Welcome to the site, i found your journal when i was looking up the recipe for success kit and who else was using it... Is it possible to post some pics of your grow room atleast and maybe your setup and all that good stuff, so i can see what your workin wit.. also if you got a minute take a look at my first and second grow, its gotta lot of info that can help you out, and if you have any questions dont hesitate to ask, untill then good luck bro!!!! :thumb: :tokin:
Re: ThatOneGuyy's First Lemon Skunk Indoor Grow.

Is it possible to post some pics of your grow room atleast and maybe your setup and all that good stuff, so i can see what your workin wit..

Hey SuKa, I finally got around to it after a long day of procrastibation. I finally got my Lights hung and things set up. My Camera sucks terribly and I need a new one:straightface: but here are a few pics.

This is the top part of my closet. This is where I'll keep my clones.Seedlings and maybe a mother(Sometime down the road of course)

This is the Main Grow area for veg/Flower. I have a 400w MH/HPS set up in here on adjustable hangers. The room is about 6' floor to ceiling.

Here are my Nutrients that I will be using. It is the Technaflora: recipe for Sucess kit.

And Finally, here are my little Lemon Skunk Babies. One seems to be having problems but i hope within the next few days it will stretch out like the rest.

If anyone has any suggestions or comments I'm all ears!!! :tokin:
Re: ThatOneGuyy's First Lemon Skunk Indoor Grow.

good job man, looks good to me, just keep doin what your doin, and i wouldn't give them any nutes until week 3, then you wanna start them on a 1/4 of whats recommended, that way you dont burn them up, plus they dont need anything rite now anyway, their way too small for nutes rite now.. just my opinion.. hope it helps... but yea your definitely doin a good job so far, keep doin what your doin..:thumb:.:tokin:
Re: ThatOneGuyy's First Lemon Skunk Indoor Grow.

Thanks Suka! But now... i have a Devistating problem :straightface::straightface:

I Woke up to a murder scene... Major problem with the little one that refused to stretch. This is what happened.

Apparently, the Stem had a snap in it a pretty bad one. Now I dont know what to do. is it possible to use a root hormone to possible save it? Or is all hope lost and i should start a new seed? This is a sad morning...
Re: ThatOneGuyy's First Lemon Skunk Indoor Grow.

I decided to lay the broken seedling to rest and started germinating a new seed to replace it. Hopefully if something else happens someone can give me some kind of pointer... :peacetwo:
Re: ThatOneGuyy's First Lemon Skunk Indoor Grow.

what i do is, germ the seed into between a wet paper towel, make sure its soaked, put the seeds in between and wait till the seed grows a tail about a inch long, then water the soil in whatever pot your gonna use, then take like a hanger or somethin as thin as a hanger maybe a bong pusher or somethin like that and push a hole into the soil for the tail on the seed to fit in, and then just stick the tail in the hole and let it go, this way you dont have to worry about the seedling tryna push its way through and takin this kind of chance, hopefully you understand what im talkin about, i believe i have pics of me showin how to do in the beginning of this journal, i've never had any problems since i've started doin it like this, it works everytime... hopefully you understand it and it helps you out... :tokin:
Re: ThatOneGuyy's First Lemon Skunk Indoor Grow.

ok maybe its not in my 3rd grow, i dont know what happened or if i even posted them, ohwell i though i did... If you dont understand just ask me and i'll try to find the pics.. but hopefully you understand.. :tokin:
Re: ThatOneGuyy's First Lemon Skunk Indoor Grow.

Yeah, I start my seedlings with the paper towel method. :thumb: I must have been too rough with that one and messed up the stem from the start.

Question. how long will it take for a seedling to establish enough of a rooting system to safely be transplated into a bigger pot?

E.g : Paper towel Germ > Rapid Rooter/Rockwool Starter > Soil Pot

How many day will it have to stay in the rapid rooter starter before moving to a soil filled pot? :thanks:
Re: ThatOneGuyy's First Lemon Skunk Indoor Grow.

i always do it when i gets a nice decent size, like a foot tall then i transplant.. do understand what im talkin about when i say stick the tail into the hole, and leave the seed part sitting ontop of the dirt so it doesn't fall in, that way the root grows down into the dirt, and the leaf part doesn't have to dig its way through the soil, the leaves will grow and exspand and then the seed will fall of by itself, because with it tryna dig though the dirt somethin can happen to it just like what did, or sometimes it wont make it all the way through and you'll have to go diggin for it which sucks and can take a chance of messin it up, they way that im talkin about is fail proof, theres no way you can mess up.. lol damn you can tell i get high too much, i wrote this shit like 4 hours ago and never posted it, i got a real bad problem with doin that, pisses me off sometimes..
Re: ThatOneGuyy's First Lemon Skunk Indoor Grow.

hahah, Yeah. I always plant taproot down. In terms of height, how tall should i expect them to get in those little Rapid rooter starter plugs? Will i be able to tell when there is signs of crowded roots?
Re: ThatOneGuyy's First Lemon Skunk Indoor Grow.

well im not really a cloner person but they should start a nice little root systen and then they should be good to go, trust me you'll be able to tell...yea just let the seed sit ontop of the soil and just push the dirt in around the root and just let it go..i dont mean to keep sayin, but i haven't seen anybody do it this way, and i always hear of problems from doin it the other way, and from doin it my way there is no way you can go wrong or mess up..
Havent been on in the last few daysm been kinda busy with life. It has been about a week since my last pic updates so I thought I'd share.

This is what they all look like. They seem pretty healthy and green:





I don't know if anyone can tell but there is a slight bit of brown on the very tip of the first plant close up. also a little bit of yellowing. Should I be concerned by this? I haven't started on any Nutes and I have only been watering once every other day or so. The water Ph is 6.3. This is 9 days after germinating the seeds Except the smallest one. That one is about 1 week old. one of my seedlings snapped and a germed a new seed to replace it.

Also. When Should I Transplant into a bigger pot? Also, would transplanting them to a 1 gallon pot be a wise choice or should I use a different size pot( Bigger/Smaller)?
I've been searching through the forums and I'm still a tad inconclusive on how to fix this or if this is something serious. The browning and yellowing of the tips havent progressed nor have they gotten better in any way.

If someone could help diagnose this problem I will love you long time! :thanks:

If you need any more information, tell me and I will try to get what you need to the best of my knowledge.
you should ph your water at 6.5, and try to get it at that the best you can, and hopefully your pellets dont have nutes in them, also i dont know if you checked out technafloras web site but they have a different grow chart then what we got in the kit, not much different though...Technaflora, you could also put like 1.5 of the red thrive alive in a gallon of water and then just put alittle bit of that on the pellets, and when the pellets start to show a nice bit of roots tips showin you can go ahead and transplant them, and if you have room to fit pots bigger then a gallon pot i would go bigger, that way you dont have to worry about re-transplantin them and stressin them out more..hopefully this can help you, but they should be ok, i wouldn't really stress about them and the little bit of brown and yellowing, when you get them in bigger pots and strat givin them nutes in a week or so they should come rite back, trust me i went through the same thing...but yea you should be ok..i mean im not a pro at this at all but i do have some experience and i hope i've been able to help you. cause i know this shit starts to get stressful when they look like they got problems, i know how you feel but just hang in there, you'll be fine... :thumb:
Yeah,I just PH'd my water. Apparently the water was a bit over 7.0! I got it down to a nice 6.6 so I'm hoping that will help with my problem. I havent done any Nutes yet but i think in the next few days i will be transplanting to 3 gallon pots.

As for post-transplant, should I continue them under my t5 lamp? or should i start using my 400w MH ?
yup thats exactly why they look the way they do, now that you got it down they will start lookin better in a couple days, just try to keep it between 6.3 - 6.5 and they will do just fine, like i said give it another week or two then start your nutes at a 1/4 strength, because this is how i messed mines up, givin them nutes to early and then makin it alittle strong and they looked like yours do now, so i held out and and stopped givin them nutes until they got bigger and now mines are lookin real good, now the light thing i dont really know because i use all cfl's for my whole grow, but if the t5 is doin good producing veg then i would leave it with that, but also read around cause im not really sure, you can go to the top where it says furoms and go down to search and then type in t5 or mh or just type them in by there selfs and see what it says about them, or you could go to the top of the page and click on grow room and go down to grow journals and just search them, there should be a place where you can type in what you wanna search, hopefully i could help ya out, let me know if you find what your lookin for.. :tokin:
So tonight I will be prepping to transplant my girls to a 1 gallon pot. Ill be doing 60% FoxFarm Potting soil and 40% MG perlite for drainage purposes.

I would do it now but its like 110 degrees outside D=. I'll post pics later tonight. :peacetwo::roorrip::roorrip:
I would go ahead and put them in a bigger pot then a 1 gallon, that way you dont have to go back and transplant them again, and 110 degrees i dont hink i could deal with it, i know its gotta take a little toll on them.. cant wait to see whats goin on over there, other then that everything sounds good!!! :thumb:
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