THC, CBD, CBN? What are your preferable ratios?


New Member
Obviously the THC ratio is one that makes us all happy the higher it is, but what about CBD and CBN content? (For instance: THC: 16%. CBD: 0,8%. CBN: 0,4% )
Not in interpreting what these (THC, CBD, CBN) mean or what they do, have understood that, rather how much of one or the other makes the difference to you personally? Does anyone have good experience in understanding these percentages and prefer one to the other when planning your next crop (or purchase)?

Cheers everyone!
I have been asking that question for a couple of years now. Finally, I started to look it up myself. Check out what I'm learning at

One thing I know that started me off on this: For some of us, THC is a happy thing only when it is balanced by enough of other cannabinoids. And, lo and behold, science is finding that OCD, Tourette's and possibly schizophrenia are helped by a 50/50 balance of THC/CBD, for example. THC alone can be bad for these same conditions.

Also, and I hope I'm not confusing my alphabet soup here, CBN develops over time; it is low or non-existent in fresh weed. It is great for sleeping; that's why as your weed gets older, it just makes you pass out.

High CBD content is better medicine for body stuff it seems, especially if you have to get work done. Duh.

And so on and so forth. More? I will be posting my column on within a week.
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