Thc Facts

Did you know THC is stored in fat cells and once one’s system reaches terminal saturation, it takes roughly 4 to 6 weeks to dry out enough to pass a urine test. Fortunately there is a way to calculate how THC is stored in fat tissue. It works like this; each time you get stoned, you saturate your blood with THC. Blood saturation reaches 100% percent fairly quickly and can’t be exceeded. (Keep smoking and you are wasting good pot). Assume that all 100 percent is absorbed by body fat. Body fat dissipates day after you still have 90 percent blood saturation. The day after that you have 81 percent blood saturation left. ect… Current urine test can detect 60 percent blood saturation. So if some has never smoked pot before smokes one time, it takes three to seven to dry out. However if you smoke everyday your fat saturation level climbs to 1000 percent! This is maximum because you lose 10 percent of 1000 percent everyday. However you can only attain 100 percent blood saturation everyday!
If you only lose 10% of 1000% percent each day wouldn't it take 100 days to naturally cleanse yourself?

You can only attain 100 percent blood saturation everyday

I Said if you smoke everyday your levels will climb to 1000 percent!
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