Unfortunately didn't find this place until I was mostly into my first grow, as I found it while trying to get some feedback (or good pictures to help my decision) as to whether my two ladies were ready to harvest or not quite or past that point. So we will call it a practice Journal, as it will undoubtedly be a freaking mess and be confusing and everyone will avoid thread like the plague (writing not my strong suit at all, and too old to change ).
As I haven't kept track of dates and what not far as when I started some bagseed, and then started a couple more, and then failed at cloning, and another go at cloning after that. So why I chose to go with a practice journal, and will attempt to document everything next time I start either a bought clone or seeds and try a real journal thread then.
My set up started with one of those 3' stealthy grow box things (8"x14"x3' tall) that came ready to go and included the 135W LED (soil version). I didn't picture things in my mind well, so once it got here I realized it would be a very limited grow area, as you can't grow up to the light so pretty limited height and width even with one plant:
So decided to attempt to mimic the box and build my own box. Went down to the Habitat for Humanity Resale Store (cheap stuff and a good cause ta boot) and found a used cabinet 8' tall cabinet 14"x21" ID, that was two sections as had one fixed shelf at 4' part of it (and all the holes for the moveable shelves on the side panels). Yes story of my life, I didn't think about height and we tried to stand it up in my shed and it hit the rafters before vertical. So cut it off at the 4' shelf and fixed it up with computer fans for circulation and bought a 300W LED (bought two as figured I might use both halves). Got that up and running, two clones that I had bought were happier as room to breath as had a 4' tall 14"x21" space for them now. Decided I was still limited on height so I added to the box I had w/o a bottom as had cut it off above shelf to make roof of other one, set it up same with fans, so now I also have a 6' tall 14"x21" box.
My shed not much for storage anymore:
4' box:
6' box (drying to two Clones I bought from Dispensary that I just harvested under the moveable shelf in pic):
First attempt at growing from seed, two for two on sprouting but only one lived. It is either a Lemon Diesel out of Dispensary flower, or a Blue Widow my Son thinks someone gave him. Meant to keep them separate/marked and that didn't go so well. Got two clones off of it on my 2nd try and the one in the original dinky box is the one I'm trying to sex the plant with so I don't waste time (put it into flower on the 7th so maybe it show me sex soon):
These two out of the Lemon Diesel flower from dispensary for sure, and the little one next to them is the 2nd clone off of the plant above:
I should have researched a bit more (or got lucky and had found this place prior), but did my usual jump in headfirst and while on the way into the water go "oh crap, rocks!!". Put the clones from the dispensary into shock as was giving nutrients every water, and the SOP beginner maneuver of watering way too freaking often. Using organic soil with mycorrhizal fungi in it (no idea if good or bad, from guys at the Hydroponics store recommendations on that and nutes). Also my PH was high as Trailer Park water is on their own system so basically treated well water, switched to the water cooler type water (5 gal) which is better for us and the plants I think as you can smell/taste the difference lack of chlorine makes in the bottled one as it's filtered out.
So I"m still learning, and generally have to do things wrong once or twice (thrice or crapload of times back in my youth) before I catch on and make right choices (takes less tries now that I'm old, otherwise I'd die first before I got it right ).
Will document watering schedule once I get one, along with progress pics (and Imagine you will get those annoying topics from me until I learn too "is this a male?" "what the heck did I do wrong this time?" and probably come up with something that nobody has seen before (as in 'how in the heck did they manage that result?")
As I haven't kept track of dates and what not far as when I started some bagseed, and then started a couple more, and then failed at cloning, and another go at cloning after that. So why I chose to go with a practice journal, and will attempt to document everything next time I start either a bought clone or seeds and try a real journal thread then.
My set up started with one of those 3' stealthy grow box things (8"x14"x3' tall) that came ready to go and included the 135W LED (soil version). I didn't picture things in my mind well, so once it got here I realized it would be a very limited grow area, as you can't grow up to the light so pretty limited height and width even with one plant:
So decided to attempt to mimic the box and build my own box. Went down to the Habitat for Humanity Resale Store (cheap stuff and a good cause ta boot) and found a used cabinet 8' tall cabinet 14"x21" ID, that was two sections as had one fixed shelf at 4' part of it (and all the holes for the moveable shelves on the side panels). Yes story of my life, I didn't think about height and we tried to stand it up in my shed and it hit the rafters before vertical. So cut it off at the 4' shelf and fixed it up with computer fans for circulation and bought a 300W LED (bought two as figured I might use both halves). Got that up and running, two clones that I had bought were happier as room to breath as had a 4' tall 14"x21" space for them now. Decided I was still limited on height so I added to the box I had w/o a bottom as had cut it off above shelf to make roof of other one, set it up same with fans, so now I also have a 6' tall 14"x21" box.
My shed not much for storage anymore:
4' box:
6' box (drying to two Clones I bought from Dispensary that I just harvested under the moveable shelf in pic):
First attempt at growing from seed, two for two on sprouting but only one lived. It is either a Lemon Diesel out of Dispensary flower, or a Blue Widow my Son thinks someone gave him. Meant to keep them separate/marked and that didn't go so well. Got two clones off of it on my 2nd try and the one in the original dinky box is the one I'm trying to sex the plant with so I don't waste time (put it into flower on the 7th so maybe it show me sex soon):
These two out of the Lemon Diesel flower from dispensary for sure, and the little one next to them is the 2nd clone off of the plant above:
I should have researched a bit more (or got lucky and had found this place prior), but did my usual jump in headfirst and while on the way into the water go "oh crap, rocks!!". Put the clones from the dispensary into shock as was giving nutrients every water, and the SOP beginner maneuver of watering way too freaking often. Using organic soil with mycorrhizal fungi in it (no idea if good or bad, from guys at the Hydroponics store recommendations on that and nutes). Also my PH was high as Trailer Park water is on their own system so basically treated well water, switched to the water cooler type water (5 gal) which is better for us and the plants I think as you can smell/taste the difference lack of chlorine makes in the bottled one as it's filtered out.
So I"m still learning, and generally have to do things wrong once or twice (thrice or crapload of times back in my youth) before I catch on and make right choices (takes less tries now that I'm old, otherwise I'd die first before I got it right ).
Will document watering schedule once I get one, along with progress pics (and Imagine you will get those annoying topics from me until I learn too "is this a male?" "what the heck did I do wrong this time?" and probably come up with something that nobody has seen before (as in 'how in the heck did they manage that result?")