The Canna Voyages of Captain Kronic

The title pretty much says it all...

The ship is readied, Captain, crew and the ladies are waiting for favorable weather, the only thing needed now is passengers!

Please keep your hands and heads inside the ship at all times, if you start to feel a lil woozy, don't panic... it's organic!
Just take a toke and chill... then... sit back and enjoy the ride!

I'm just gonna throw some shots in here to get things going. The weather here is starting to shape up and I expect to be outside 27/7 by the middle of this next week... we're gonna be busier than a one legged man in an ass kickin contest!

(I have a photographer but... these are my photos, they will get much better I promise...)

The ladies in waiting at about 5 weeks:

Yeah sunshine... still @ about 5 weeks!

Bad weather yesterday... @ about 8 weeks:

Again at about 8 weeks:

This is the "setup" for this season:

So... w/o further ado about nothing... ALL ABOARD M8s! :rasta:
We had a couple sunny days here, but now it is raining again. I guess that is what I get for living in the second wettest place on the planet.
Hey Dog, glad you could make it!

Not been overly wet here so much, just not conducive to acceptable growth rates. The morels are coming up and drying out fast so, I think the weather gage will be in our favor very shortly! Besides, I don't think the girls are gonna wait till June 1st which is the accepted MJ outdoor plant date for my area... tip of the Emerald Triangle!
NWG... I am happy to have you in here, I have admired your work and hope I can keep you interested! LOL

Odin is on board too... I am honored that you both would want to see my work :Namaste:

The Toy is no longer mine... off'd it to my son... Toys rule as you know Odin... glad to have brethren aboard!

I am getting off in the garden even now and will have pics very soon, just getting everyone gussied up before the intros!

This should be a good show... :yahoo:
Thank you friend, love to hear im not the only one making eye's at my work my girls are a little bit of sluts and like a lot of eye's on them. and i actually have a 4Runner right now myself with a V6 but i want a 22RE in it.
I could have used you earlier M8, it's been pouring pretty good today... I'm a lil nervous if I do say so... had them out since last Weds. and I don't think they are liking the rain any more than I am!

Glad to have you aboard S2J... welcome :Namaste:

Permission to come aboard Captain? I've got a keen eye, an can tell ya before the weather changes by the feelin' in ma bones. Not afraid to get dirty , I play a mean guitar and can prepare a meal that will make ya slap yar sweet mum. pretty handy with the saber and pistol to, or so the Ladies say.
That's the prob... it's been hammering off and on pretty bad, the temps are in the low 40s at night and the winches aren't thinking too much of it!
Plus, I am worried about them trying to flower on me... it's still a lil early here by most accounts... June 1st is the accepted plant date.
So yeah... I pretty freakin stressed out right now :whoa:

I think they will get the picture, the term "Right as Rain" pops in my head

I was hoping to get the ship launched by now instead of being up all night fighting the weather... it's blowing bloody hell out there right now!
I did get a few mins of sun so I took a piccy of what Sargent Sensi and I did to counter mothers tempest!


More to follow soon I hope! :peacetwo:
wow he is young there lol...

haha they were all young in that one!

You know I am such a TP fan I can tell you all the guys in the Heartbreakers and that has always been a moving target. His lead Guitar and Keyboard is fixed, but he goes through bass players and drummers a bit.
So, I am trying to learn this photo thing. Harder than heck to do w/so much light (7000 watts) I may try some w/the lights off and see what I get.... This is my first attempt at indo, Sour D mainly... all at about 6 1/2 weeks into flower.
Don't hack my photos too hard... I'm a grower not a photographer!










They looked quite a bit better on my PC... LMAO!
Who knows... maybe I'll get better at this picture taking thingamajiggy! :Namaste:
under HPS lighting its always hard to get good pictures, to help with it thought adjust your white balence i know my camera doesnt get it perfect but it helps. and those there look healthy :P good enough to eat... or smoke... what ever floats your boat
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