The Emerald City

Well that didn't take too long... maybe 48/60 hours. After 24 hours one seed had split and the others were looking 'eh.' checked a day or so later and they'd all opened up for me. one more 6 hour night cycle and all 3 were opened up and one already had one of the cotyledons opened. I put all three into respective solo cups (thanks again Shed...). I put ziplock bags loosely over each cup to keep humidity.

Anyone for some 38 Special?

Stay Baked!
Well it's been a struggle to get back into growing but I've finally got myself a healthy plant and thinned her out last night. Applied some LST and got those lowers pulled down and out. Since I'm not sure about my seed-generating ability etc. I'm getting back into cloning for a minute. I need to restock the vault and since Kalashnikov is the only thing currently on the menu I'll have plenty of it. Shed, I remember your sprinkler in a bucket cloner. Seems as if many people have adopted the idea and there are now several options available. I'm going to build myself a bubble-cloner and see how it goes. As I recall I did have good success with that.
Well it's been a struggle to get back into growing but I've finally got myself a healthy plant and thinned her out last night. Applied some LST and got those lowers pulled down and out. Since I'm not sure about my seed-generating ability etc. I'm getting back into cloning for a minute. I need to restock the vault and since Kalashnikov is the only thing currently on the menu I'll have plenty of it. Shed, I remember your sprinkler in a bucket cloner. Seems as if many people have adopted the idea and there are now several options available. I'm going to build myself a bubble-cloner and see how it goes. As I recall I did have good success with that.
I'm sure it won't take long until you're back in the swing of things, and in the meantime you do grow the hell out of clones:

Here's some pics of the plant last night and this afternoon. BTW the Bougainvillea has leaves growing. I'll get pics of that at some point.

Defol pics from last night.

removed a lot of interior growth, I'm planning to top the plant and clone the cutting, as well as the other 7 marked by pipe cleaners.

I live in the desert, not much humidity here, so I have a humidifier in the tent.

I spent a few minutes today looking at aero and bubble cloners. Of all the ones I saw, the least expensive I would have bought. was $80.00. Between The Zon and The Depot, I'm in about $60.00 and that includes a little 12" LED putting out about 600 lumens.

You know that buzz when you've got healthy cannabis, the beauty of the plant, the hypnotic vibe from seeing them, feeling the energy from the plants. I've got that again!

Stay Baked!
Always an adventure when I start to engineer something. I'm not sure it was engineering so much as design improvement. Order the parts and half of them went to my girlfriends house in OC. I decided to run down to the Petsmart tonight and grab the pump an air puck and some couplers, clamps, and valves... Was tryin to leave and the lady in front of me couldn't get her credit card to work and ends up pulling out hundreds to pay. Ok, whatever...

The build, Container 18 qt Hefty $7, 3 air pucks $27.00, TopFin Air 3000 $21.00, black air hose $7, neoprene collars and net pots $12. I had some expensive stuff left over so I'm using z7 parts 1&2, 1/2 tsp each. 4.5 gallons so I may be running a little rich on the fuel. Without further ado The Agemon 3000, DOHI Bubble cloner.

Water is PH'ing 7.15 @ 139ppm. As stated I used 1/2 tsp each of z7, 1 & 2. I thru in some test subjects, swiss cheese plant, basil, & mint to start getting it dialed in. Heat mat is set @ 73.

Fun Little Project, let the science begin!

My brain started bubbling up ideas after I got the new rig finished. I remembered cloning in solo cups and decided to take a few cuttings. I cut the 3 lowest branches on the plant. I clipped them right at the trunk and into a cup of water. All 3 cuttings were then cut diagonally from one node to the other. I scraped the stems & rinsed. 1 went into the cloner and the other 2 got dipped in rooting hormone, went into rapid rooter, then into perlite & seed starting mix, domed in solo cups. I guess it's an experiment, to see witch method yields the best results.

BC Clone: Lets go baby!!! Make some roots!!!

MC Clone: cutting in a cup on the heat mat with the closet light on. I changed the bulbs had a couple nice daylight correct bulbs in stock.

TC Clone: cutting in a cup in a tent.

Stay Baked
I've read to remove the dome for a couple of hours the first 2 days and then permanently remove it on the third day. Today is day 2 for my clones with the dome.

How long should I keep the dome on the clones until I stop using it?
All the clones are looking good today. I removed the domes last night for a couple of hours and then replaced. The Mat Clone (MC) didn't seem too bothered by the removal, likely due to little air movement and low light. The Tent Clone (TC) looked unhappy after 2 hours, likely due to more air movement and much more light. Both seem fine today. I will wait until tomorrow and follow your advice. The Bubble Clone (BC) looks great, leaves are up and looking much happier than yesterday.

I moved her over one spot, just a few more bubbles in that corner. When I do a water change I will adjust the air pucks for coverage. I may switch to the bubble curtain air stones.
BC is looking good, I clipped a couple of leaves and left the bigger solar panel.
MC got moved into the Tent with TC, it was on the mat with the bubble cloner however, the temp on the cloner is set at 73, currently reading 73.5. I also removed a couple of leaves.
TC is showing a ton of humidity in the cup and I'm letting it go until tomorrow. I moved the two clones under the intake fan so it's getting tent temps 80-82, but indirect light.

I've been checking the Ph, in the Agemon 3000, daily and trying to keep it between 5.8 & 6.2. I've noticed it likes to drift up, not extreme. I also added 4 cups of water last night and PH'd to a 6.1.

The two new clones are a git droopy today, if they're anything like the first, they'll be perking up by the end of the day.

Stay Baked.
I fed yesterday she was sad most of the day. One sleep cycle and this is how she's looking. I think the leaves are a bit yellow, I don't wanna go to too strong, but last feeding I fed an aggressive recipe with the Flora Trio. 3 2 1tsp of Gro, Micro, & Bloom respectively, 1 tsp CalMag, 1/4 tsp Floralicious, 1/2 tsp Armor Si & 1/2 tsp Terpinator. The last two were not part of the suggested recipe. Any thoughts on how to increase the Nitrogen level? Increase Gro, Increase Cal-Mag, More Floralicious?

The bubble cloner is running smoothly; I'm keeping the PH between 5.8 & 6.18. I've been adding 1/4 tsp of down per day until today. In the morning, the Ph was 5.5. I added 1/4 tsp of Up, and tonight, the Ph is 6.17. I've got an article about Ph drift open on another page. The clones are all looking happy, BC is still looking great and the 2 newest are past the droopy, fresh-cut clone stage. Thoughts or knowledge about Ph Drift?

I cracked the lids for TC1 & 2. A couple hygrometers are doing the job for propping the cups up. I'm heading out to Long Beach on Friday. I know how plants can grow crazy when we don't see them every day.

Stay Baked!
I fed yesterday she was sad most of the day. One sleep cycle and this is how she's looking. I think the leaves are a bit yellow, I don't wanna go to too strong, but last feeding I fed an aggressive recipe with the Flora Trio. 3 2 1tsp of Gro, Micro, & Bloom respectively, 1 tsp CalMag, 1/4 tsp Floralicious, 1/2 tsp Armor Si & 1/2 tsp Terpinator. The last two were not part of the suggested recipe. Any thoughts on how to increase the Nitrogen level? Increase Gro, Increase Cal-Mag, More Floralicious?
That's a lot of different things you're mixing so it's tough to tell what's going on other than what looks like a Mg deficiency (that causes yellowing between the veins and then brown spots). I can run some numbers for you if you like, but I need to know what calmag you're using as well as whether your Terp is the original 0-0-4 or the GH branded one (.01-2-4). Oh yeah is it Floralicious or Floralicious Plus?

Might be the mix, the light being too intense for the tops, or a combination of both.
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