The Life of the Light

Mercury Trismagistus

Active Member
Everything goes in cycles......the Wheel in the Sky just keeps on turning
I just saw a video about Amen Ho Tep.....of course you now call him "Akhenaten"
But that was just one of his means "The Life of the Light" in English
He was trying to do... in his own way... the same thing the man you call the "Nazarene" was trying to do fifteen centuries later
They each fought the hierarchy of their Priesthood.....and lost....but their names have not been forgotten...altered though they have been by time.

Ra Ho Tep holds forth the Cup with the Ancient Sacrament
We thank Amen Ho Tep for it
An Eye to See and Wings to Fly beyond the Firmament
The Nine Great Gods of Life offer it
The Sacred Journey to the End of Eternity
But only for them who know
The life of Akhenaten is very interesting. I’d like to know where he was from (which planet) but that’s another story.
Did he grow.
No..Amen Ho Tep did not grow plants himself. He had specialists for that. He was a Big Idea kind of guy. He mainly liked to get jacked up on some Rootbark, rubbed down with Kaneh Bos oil, and give long winded speeches about the gods, sacred geometry, and sailing the Sun Boat along the Milky Way with his good buddy Ptah. Needless to say, the Festivals he and his old lady Nefertiti threw at Amarna were off the chain. But, unfortunately, cost over-runs, the admittance of glass bottles, and complaints from the Priests of Amon, drove that whole scene into the ditch. I still say festivals should be no more than three days max..including the Early Bird!
P.S. When will these kids ever listen?
(Sailing his sun boat along the Milky Way ) that opens up all kinds of interesting discussions.
I like the way you think.
Look...I probably shouldn't tell you this, but we are really a hybrid species. A long time ago our "Star Ancestors" were forced to leave the Citadel of the Gods after an extremely unfortunate incident involving some machine intelligences from the so-called Negative Zone. Interstellar travel is actually very dangerous because you might get hit by some kind of fast moving object. So our ancestors hollowed out asteroids to use as ships. This provided pretty good protection from most impacts. One of these recently moved through the solar system and was actually seen changing it's orbit under power...even though this has been quietly swept under the rug. And so...due to rising radiation levels...the fleet left the old world to find a new home among the stars. A far country under a swift sunrise. The fresh green hills of Earth.
I don’t think you are far off. Unfortunately there is too much money to be made denying any version of this reality.
Oh no a big black Ford just pulled into my driveway, gotta g.....
In that case, we must perforce delay our conversation about the ruins on the Moon...and Under the Desert Planet. And about those beings...and Things...that inhabit them still. Pray the Seal of the Elder Gods still holds a while longer. And that those abominations of nature of created by the Techno-Science of the Old Ones are never again unleashed on the world. Yog Sothoth is the Gate and the Key. All is one in Yog Sothoth. Only He knows where they broke through of old...and where they shall break through again.
Without a doubt
Not trying to make lite of what your saying honestly. Just thought we were supposed to be talking about pot on this forum.
I want to stay in their good books. But hell if the big orange pumpkin is fair game then?
Every thought on this thread is about Cannabis...about people who use Cannabis...or about things you think about while on Cannabis. Or all three. Preferably the latter. But I am, no doubt, preaching to the choir here on that particular score. And religion comes in many forms. Not all of them necessarily palatable to the modern mind.

P.S. And we haven't even gotten to the Worship of the Toad God yet. But, despite their use of this type of venom, most of these cultists are heavy Cannabis users too. But there you go. (grin)
Every thought on this thread is about Cannabis...about people who use Cannabis...or about things you think about while on Cannabis. Or all three. Preferably the latter. But I am, no doubt, preaching to the choir here on that particular score. And religion comes in many forms. Not all of them necessarily palatable to the modern mind.

P.S. And we haven't even gotten to the Worship of the Toad God yet. But, despite their use of this type of venom, most of these cultists are heavy Cannabis users too. But there you go. (grin)
(grin) oh shit did I leave my camera on again
Novelty Theory is too nuts. Can't handle it. Take Grass off the list and schedule Terence McKenna. Tested to the limits. Time to depart for the stars. I have all the data now. End of Transmission.
Novelty Theory is too nuts. Can't handle it. Take Grass off the list and schedule Terence McKenna. Tested to the limits. Time to depart for the stars. I have all the data now. End of Transmission.
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