The Mule Grows Again

Re: The mule grows again...

I have yet to kill the DPX... The JC2 it's on the edge of death most day's... The good news is... I have some kick ass mini JC2 plants, more to come on that later... On with the show, or mugshots as I see it, Torrid youth and all that jazz tell ya later...






And don't paint your buckets with that vinyl paint ya cheap bastard... Ya just scratch it, and ya anyways, nice tape... Talk about cheap look at the peg board... :rofl: :cheesygrinsmiley: people know this I recycle everything over and over...:peace:
Re: The mule grows again...

You have a nice looking line up there! Misspent youth and all!

Thanks man, your ladies are looking nice! :cheer:

As not to waste a bunch of space...



Dam thing is bright! :cheer: Thanks Pres, Roseman you CFL lighting studs... LMAO :peacetwo:

That's 19 X 27 watt bulbs... for 33,000 + lumens in the 2700K and 5000K spectrum :smokin:

It's 26X30" and made out of a 8" piece of pipe and stuff I had laying around...

We go into 12x12 tonight already changed the bulbs to get them into the mood... :grinjoint:
Re: The mule grows again...

2 weeks 12-12... The plants are doing amazing! A friend gave me a nute blend using A$N nutes guess it's working...







JC2 MOM in FF ocean blend and 33% perlite


The runts...






:peace: Brothers and sister's I hope you all have a kick ass 420 :yahoo: Oh and a camera man I'm not... I turn it down so I don't need to re size pics...
Re: The mule grows again...

And I forgot to say out of 4 subcool JC2 seeds that I started with, 2 fem, one dead it had two tails I broke them could have been 2 plants, one started later unknown...
Re: The mule grows again...

Well folks the rooms are not working for us! Stay tuned we are turning it all into a 14' wide 20' long 16' high room... The little rooms that are there now will have no doors on them so it will be sort of 3 alcoves for the tent/flood tray. Storage and we will keep the last room with the mom/clone set up! My bro will be here any time with materials,coffee, and some apple fritters... :peacetwo: Time to bust some tail! Pics of the insanity to follow :cheer:
Re: The mule grows again...

Power To Ya!!!!

I was sitting here smoking and drinking my morning coffee trying to get psyched up for the day's work as well.

You have done it! I'm fired up to get to work on the room.

+Reps to ya.

Re: The mule grows again...

Power To Ya!!!!

I was sitting here smoking and drinking my morning coffee trying to get psyched up for the day's work as well.

You have done it! I'm fired up to get to work on the room.

+Reps to ya.


Thanks man! I need to pop over to your thread, and see what your up to! 2 weeks and some change into flower... I just cut a bucket of shoots off, buds and all... Broke my heart... I Cut some crazy clones to see what and where on a flowering plant to take cones to re-veg :smokin:

Oh ohhh, sounds like Mule is getting serious! This could be fun.

Just sick of running out of room Fry! I like big plants, throw back from my out door days I guess ;) I have some side lights planned cfl hoods from hell... And a light mover I picked up on the cheap... Your girls look like I wanna do bad things to em! :cheer: That SD is out of control! :goodjob:

I can't wait to see it!

Ya it will be sweet... We have about 3000 watts of lights to play with for now, I'm single so I answer to my dog... For me to remain legal 3 veg 3 flower... Next cycle trash cans 35 gallon ones with bubbles like to see that??? It might happen... Hell we might scrog one of em to the wall... single bulb "mile high stadium" style grow is appealing... :slide:
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