What strain is it? BAG SEED & 2 SENSI STAR CLONES
Is it Indica, Sativa or Hybrid? BAG SEED=¿?, SENSI STAR=
What percentages? BAG SEED=?¿, SENSI STAR=
Is it in Veg or Flower stage? IN VEG
If in Veg... For how long? 20-32DAYS FROM SEED, 1DAY ROOTED CLONES
Indoor or outdoor? INDOOR, CLOSET 29"X40"
Soil or Hydro? SOIL
If soil... what is in your mix?
If soil... What size pot? 1GALLON
Size of light? 600W
Is it aircooled? YES, 6" H/O CANFAN
PH of media or res? 6.5-7
Any Pests ? NO
How often are you watering? 3-5 DAYS
Type and strength of ferts used? GO BioWeed, BioThrive and CalMag+,
Π 1gal. Water Π
Π 1/2tsp. Weed Π
Π 1tsp. CalMag+ Π
Π 2tsp. Thrive Π
Π 1/2tsp.BakingSoda. Π
6" H/O CanFan=...............................$227
26"x12" Active Air filter=.................$140
600w M/H Conversion Bulb=..........$108
6"-8" Flange=...................................$ 14
2, 6"x6" 90°=....................................$ 10
6" Rigid Duct=..................................$ 10
6" Flex Duct=....................................$ 20
Variable Speed Controller=.............$ 30
Glass for Hood=...............................$ 30
Dule Thermometer Hydrometer=...$ 25. <<<YET TO GET.
Panda Plastic=..................................$ 22
Zipper Door=....................................$ 12
1qt. GO Bio Weed=..........................$ 17
1qt. GO Bio Thrive=.........................$ 17
1qt. GO CalMag+=............................$ 17
Ph test kits=......................................$ 12
Extension Cords=.............................$ 30
Power strips=....................................$ 10
4'x4' plywood=..................................$ 15
Bracket/Support x3=.........................$ 6
Is what you see in the pic....the light is being borrowed.
Right now I am vegging with 2x 43w T12...broke my borrowed ballest so need to get it fixed/new. So for 5 more days they'll have to wait to get under the power.
pictures to come
I don't have a computer and pics uploading isn't compatible with android
Hello all...anything I should add(besides pics), comments? Oh and that wasn't yelling it was to make it easy to read.
Thanks all
Is it Indica, Sativa or Hybrid? BAG SEED=¿?, SENSI STAR=
What percentages? BAG SEED=?¿, SENSI STAR=
Is it in Veg or Flower stage? IN VEG
If in Veg... For how long? 20-32DAYS FROM SEED, 1DAY ROOTED CLONES
Indoor or outdoor? INDOOR, CLOSET 29"X40"
Soil or Hydro? SOIL
If soil... what is in your mix?
If soil... What size pot? 1GALLON
Size of light? 600W
Is it aircooled? YES, 6" H/O CANFAN
PH of media or res? 6.5-7
Any Pests ? NO
How often are you watering? 3-5 DAYS
Type and strength of ferts used? GO BioWeed, BioThrive and CalMag+,
Π 1gal. Water Π
Π 1/2tsp. Weed Π
Π 1tsp. CalMag+ Π
Π 2tsp. Thrive Π
Π 1/2tsp.BakingSoda. Π
6" H/O CanFan=...............................$227
26"x12" Active Air filter=.................$140
600w M/H Conversion Bulb=..........$108
6"-8" Flange=...................................$ 14
2, 6"x6" 90°=....................................$ 10
6" Rigid Duct=..................................$ 10
6" Flex Duct=....................................$ 20
Variable Speed Controller=.............$ 30
Glass for Hood=...............................$ 30
Dule Thermometer Hydrometer=...$ 25. <<<YET TO GET.
Panda Plastic=..................................$ 22
Zipper Door=....................................$ 12
1qt. GO Bio Weed=..........................$ 17
1qt. GO Bio Thrive=.........................$ 17
1qt. GO CalMag+=............................$ 17
Ph test kits=......................................$ 12
Extension Cords=.............................$ 30
Power strips=....................................$ 10
4'x4' plywood=..................................$ 15
Bracket/Support x3=.........................$ 6
Is what you see in the pic....the light is being borrowed.
Right now I am vegging with 2x 43w T12...broke my borrowed ballest so need to get it fixed/new. So for 5 more days they'll have to wait to get under the power.
pictures to come
I don't have a computer and pics uploading isn't compatible with android
Hello all...anything I should add(besides pics), comments? Oh and that wasn't yelling it was to make it easy to read.
Thanks all