Been sick for the last 3 weeks and didn't keep a close eye on things. I'm not going to treat them but will they come off with a bud wash like Jorge Cervetis uses
They should.
What I do, because of spider mites is add a 6” bubble stone to the bucket with the lemon juice and baking soda. I run 4 buckets, I think Jorge uses 3.
I have a link in my signature showing Dr. Buds process. It’s a bit up to date.
I set mine up like this...
Bucket #1- Tap (warm) + 1 32oz bottle of 3% H202.
Bucket #2- Bubble Stone + Tap (room temp) + 1 cup Real lemon juice + 1 cup baking soda.
Bucket #3- Spring (cooler)
Bucket #4- Spring (cooler)
Some add more Ingredients, but I grow indoors, so dust and debris aren’t an issue. People with PM usually go 1:3 on the H202.
I bud wash because of mites and it helps extend/even out the drying period.
Thrips will leave on their own when the plant starts to dry out.
Bud washing is a good idea - but if any of them don't get washed off, they'll leave when they start to get thirsty/hungry.