This years crop


New Member
i have 3 romulans and 3 blue dreams. i clipped them off the mothers on june 16th. they were grown in 5 gallon buckets in homemade soil, and fed fox farms big bloom, tiger bloom, and cha ching to finish.

all said the BD produced 8 oz each, and the rom produced 3 oz each. i got hit with cutworms on the BD for a little while and got them under control. ignored the romulan at that time then noticed the worms were eating the hell out of the romulan. so i figure i lost half my romulan. oh well it scared the hell out of me when they got on the BD. still smokes insanely good.

these are the BD




Looks like an outstanding crop! The picture of the straining colas has my vote. +reps on your harvest.
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