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Hello All and Thank You For This Sight:
We have a 70/yo family member with Parkinson's that is looking into MM for help.
Due to age he is not interested in smoking so we are looking into tinctures, with this being said we have a few questions. We are looking to aid in his tremors and hopefully slow the progress of the disease.

1. So as not to get the mind effects of the tincture [high] would it be better to NOT decarb the plant matter and just move on to the hot water bath after adding a high proof alcohol?
2. Without the decarbing process will he get the medical effect we are looking for?
3. Does anyone know of anybody using this method to help treat Parkinson's?
I would like to thank everyone for your replies in advance.
Re: Parkinson's Help

Hey friend. I personally like tinctures myself, and my only blog entry is a recipe.

Strain choice will be the biggest determiner of 'high'. I personally like to sift out hash and use that for tinctures now... And the sifted plant matter goes to be cooked in coconut oil or butter. Waste not and all that jazz.

I'm a crohn's patient and do not mind being high... So I do some decarbing.. My step dad has Parkinson's, but I really doubt he would try tinctures even... I wouldn't decarb' if I were making one for him. I hope this works out well for you, if you are in a legal state go get you some Harlequin or Cannatonic, both are supposed to have more mild to no high... Also, THCA and CBDA are supposed to be good for your liver or something, so leaving it au natural is good in some ways.

Also, tinctures are most efficient sublingual. Some people put it in drinks or whatever... You might as well cook it into lipids and save yourself the trouble if that's how your going to take it.
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