TML420 First Grow Journal, 7 Plant SOG, Soil, 4x4, 480W QB, 2019


Well-Known Member
What strain is it? ( Dr. Seeds) Gorilla Zkittlez, Gorilla Alien, White Tahoe Cookies. (Jordan of the Islands) God Bud, Dutch Treat.
Is it Indica, Sativa or Hybrid? What percentages? Indica dominant hybrids
Is it in Veg or Flower stage? Flower started June 3rd
If in Veg... For how long? Vegged May 3rd - June 3rd
Indoor or outdoor? Indoor 4x4x7 tent
Soil or Hydro? Soil
If soil... what is in your mix? Fox Farms Ocean Forest 40% / ProMix HP 40% / Perlite 20%
If soil... What size pot? 3 gallon fabric
Size of light? 480w QB @3000k
Temp of Room/cab? 82f
RH of Room/cab? 60%
PH of media or res?
Any Pests ? NO
How often are you watering? Every 2-3 days, 3 litres @ PH 6.3
Type and strength of ferts used? Veg - 1gr megecrop / .5ml green planet procal.

This is my third indoor grow. First attempt at SOG and have seven plants in a 4x4x7.
2012-08-13 01.16.02.jpg
How are things going @TML420 .

I guessing you harvested by now. Those buds look great.
Yup took them down a month ago. The first to finish was Gorilla Alien on August 12th, than Gorilla Zkittlez a week later, and lastly on August 25th White Tahoe Cookies. I was happiest with the Gorilla Alien, it was a breeze to grow, and the finished product has been my best to date. Just dealing with some issues before I start my next grow.
Hope all is well in your world.

Thanks for sharing this grow with us.

Please head over to the 420 Strain Reviews forum and post your smoke report there too.

I’m moving this to Completed Journals now.

Have you started a new grow you would like to share with us?

If so, please feel free to start a new journal here: Journals in Progress

Sending you lots of love and positive energy.

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