Treat my own CKD - Hemp Oil


Active Member
I have CKD. Is this Hemp Seed Oil you see the Vitamin Pushers sell, even close in true quality as the Tar Type that you see. Not looking for Cannabis Oil, True Hemp Oil. Just wondering if this is a waste of time or should I just fly to Turkey or somewhere where one can get the real thing? Maybe Canada?

GFR 57

Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.

Depends on what you are trying to do. There is a huge misconception going around in regards to Hemp Oil vs. Cannabis Oil. Hemp Oil is for nutrition and Cannabis Oil is for healing Cancer and other conditions/diseases.
Thank you for such a quick reply. Yes, that is why I said I Was not looking for that, as I am not in a state that has brains. The house in AL passed it in 2010 and the Senate keeps it tabled. Not that I am a prude, I guess my search should start with traveling to one of the smarter states and pick up what you say. Cost really is not the concern to me, as if dead or severely limited in life, all the money in the world does not make a bit of difference. Thank you again....
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