I have a friend suffering with sciatica pain. It hurts my heart to see him hurting, and to witness the limitations this once-active man has been forced into by chronic pain.
It got me to wondering how you might be treating sciatica with cannabis? He’s been resistant to try my oils, and I’m thinking if I can offer him some concrete ideas for managing this condition from those who actually live with the same pain he might listen.
If you or a loved one are using cannabis to find relief from sciatica or related conditions won’t you consider sharing with us your regimen and what you’ve learned?
There are more people than my friend who’ll benefit from the time you take to share.
I thank you in advance. May my friend be in a position to thank you himself before we’re through.
It got me to wondering how you might be treating sciatica with cannabis? He’s been resistant to try my oils, and I’m thinking if I can offer him some concrete ideas for managing this condition from those who actually live with the same pain he might listen.
If you or a loved one are using cannabis to find relief from sciatica or related conditions won’t you consider sharing with us your regimen and what you’ve learned?
There are more people than my friend who’ll benefit from the time you take to share.

I thank you in advance. May my friend be in a position to thank you himself before we’re through.