Types of hash, blond, dark and others

Mountain spew

New Member
I recently had some hash that looked like a hand rubbed dark, yet came in large quantities and had a somewhat sandy interior. It was pretty hard and the slabs were about a foot in length and an inch or so wide. I think i would break it into little balls. In hashish by robert c. clarke he mentions bat pressing along with screw pressing as pressing types. Was my stash sieved, bat pressed hash? Can anyone think of other types?
If it's dark on the outside and sandy/blonde on the inside it's probably been heat-pressed, which is done to alot of export hash so they can fit more grams per cubic meter and thus increase payout.
This doesn't necessarily lower the quality of the hash, however I personally prefer hash that hasn't been heat-pressed.
Or maybe it's because it's low quality and the sifted material won't stick together unless heated.
Usually the harder the hash the lower the quality.
You can somewhat test the quality by trying to put a flame to it, it should bubble and catch fire and then burn evenly and when you blow out the flame the ember should go out immediately - if all of this applies your'e probably smoking some decent hash.
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