Undeveloped seedling when compared to others


420 Member
Hey guys, I have just planted some seeds and they are already seedlings, I germinated them all at the same time, and both of them seem to be doing fine, however, there's one that's showing a slower growth when compared to the others, when it came out of the soil it cut a bit one of its leaves, so now I'm guessing the plant is just focusing on healing instead of growing? all help is welcome!

Also, I've been watering them with 22% of the pot size, it's a 7L pot so I'm watering with 1.75L, is that ok? Because I really have no idea how much water I should water it with. I've researched and researched and the best I could find is this percentage.

The one that's not growing
WhatsApp Image 2022-09-21 at 08.15.08.jpeg

WhatsApp Image 2022-09-21 at 08.15.08 (1).jpeg

The ones that are growing
WhatsApp Image 2022-09-21 at 08.15.08 (2).jpeg

This one above has a few yellow marks, I'm guessing it's because of light burn? Because I did have my old light closer to them, I will watch it over the next few days.

WhatsApp Image 2022-09-21 at 08.15.07.jpeg
That small of seedlings you can just water with a spray bottle, as would take forever for small plant with a small root system to use that much water in soaked wet soil. They are like people far as the genetic dice roll goes, so you will get a runt from time to time, but sometimes the runts or problem childs can be the best far as strength or flavor goes so not always relevant to final product. Just like kids from the same parents not always the same far as growth rate or overall health etc...as some things common amongst ones siblings and some are not shared/same.

Those 3 way meter things good for a paperweight IMHO as not accurate or gets you to chase problems that not there and making real problems instead. Also don't want to wet leaves on little ones if lights are on, as the little droplets can act like a magnifying glass and burn the leaves ( can do it on bigger plants but more critical when it has such few leaves like yours have now.
Also don't want to wet leaves on little ones if lights are on, as the little droplets can act like a magnifying glass and burn the leaves
No way this is true...the droplet will evaporate before that level of heat is displaced on the opposite end...remember the drop is not suspended above the leaf like a magnifiing glass would be, it's actually resting on the leaf and this would not create a focal point...
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