Urgent Gender issue, please help!


New Member
I was wondering if anyone could give me some urgent insight, are these male or female plants? im not too sure but i think they are male and i want to be positive before i pull them out of grow room.


Please help!!
CANNINOOB... Sorry mate... You have a boy! BALLS n ALL!! They bigger than mine..lol. How old is he, it sux when you grow one for months to find out it s a male. Happened to me, i didnt know what they where,i thought thats how the buds grew?? Stoopid me!! But after showing my mate he diagnosed - 'yes, those are testicles alright' and told me to cut him down as i had 2 girls near to it that thankfully didnt turn. So that, and also looking at other ppls males i knew how to tell their sex pretty much soon as it starts to show. Some ppl still happily grow males, i dont but thats me, so its up to you, but no girls for him!! Goodluk and Happy Harvesting;)
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