Using Marijuana For The Right Reasons

Jim Finnel

Fallen Cannabis Warrior & Ex News Moderator
I have a $10,000 dollar challenge for Stan Gierhan: For $10,000 I will quit smoking marijuana for five weeks, or until all detectable levels of marijuana are gone from my system.

I will confine myself to any safe and comfortable place you provide. I will allow you to monitor my sleeping, eating and daily workout schedule. I will not have withdraws at all. I will not become crazed or obsessed with the desire to smoke. I will not become sick and vomit. I will not get the sweats. I will not beg for marijuana or be in pain from withdraws. I’m not addicted to or dependent on marijuana. I choose to use.

If you think you can prove me wrong, show me the money.

Habit is not addiction, addiction is not dependency, and dependency is not funny.

I have taken Marinol and would gladly debate how long marijuana has been around for, and who is really trying to reinvent the wheel.

You could ask him if he knows how many different plants can be used as medicine, and if he would loose his job if we could all just use plants to cure most ailments. Ask him if he ever prescribed a drug that was later found to hurt or injure those who have taken them.

And to say, “Why reinvent the wheel?”

I pray he never needs to use marijuana because he will then be a hypocrite.

The federal government can poison you, but I choose to use.

Gonzales is a medical marijuana patient in Oregon.

News Hawk- User 420 MAGAZINE ® - Medical Marijuana Publication & Social Networking
Source: The Winona Daily News
Author: Lorenzo Gonzales
Contact: Winona Daily News - 6.0
Copyright: 2007 The Winona Daily News
Website: Winona Daily News - 6.0
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In regards to the editorial opinion concerning medical marijuana, why reinvent the wheel? Medical marijuana already exists, it's called marinol. It has THC as the active ingredient, which is effective in controlling nausea and also used for stimulation of appetite. It has also been used to help control pain. So why get the state involved in the regulation of growing and the distribution of pot?

If there is a great need for this treatment, then I suggest the state look into buying a supply of marinol. It comes in three different strengths. Negotiate a deal with the manufacturer, or maybe it's cheaper in Canada. This push to legalize medical pot is just another push to legalize pot period.

Stan Gierhan

Gierhan is a registered pharmacist and a member of the pharmacy staff at Community Memorial Hospital.

URL: US MN: LTE: Medical Marijuana Is a Push to Legalize
Newshawk: Kirk
Votes: 0
Pubdate: Tue, 15 May 2007
Source: Winona Daily News (MN)
Copyright: 2007 Winona Daily News
Website: Winona Daily News - 6.0
Details: MAP: Media Directory
Author: Stan Gierhan
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