Using mint leaves in water?

So far found only pros ;)
Found nutrient value for 3g of leaves,and it looks astonishing what i got... ;)
Tough it's for consumed,but in my case they would only sit in water for few hours.
So only fraction would stay in water.
So i think that is possible to use this method to keep pests away...maybe...

Did little experiment on plain tap water in cups,one with mint(over 15leaves+stems) and one without.
Meassured ph @7.2 both in beggining.
One with mint(2-3hrs later) ph7.6
One without ph7.8

I will give it a test run on my next grow...or maybe on my clone if it's gonna survive :)
But for now will keep experimenting how consistent readings will be(ph-ppm) :)
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