Using your refrigerator to rehydrate?

beard o

Well-Known Member
A friend of mine told me something that really got me to thinking.

I mentioned to him my buds over dried, and we're in the the 45% range.
He sort of laughed when I mentioned my damp paper towel method.

He said place your buds in a bowl, and place them in your refrigerator, preferably the vegetable bin. Leave them for several hours, and the natural humidity in your refrigerator brings the buds right up to speed.

Anyone else heard of, or do it?
I'm not looking to be argumentative, but why?

What's the possible downside? How much damage can 3 hours cause?
Are they too dry to use the way you want? If you trying to get back up to cure some more, it's too late for that once it drops that low, or what I have heard anyway. We tried steaming so dirt weed back in the day to try to get it to fluff up more as an oz was like 1 finger :rofl: oh and btw for anyone thinking of that, it didn't work out well :rofl:
That dry you lost most your terps and missed cure. You may still have some potent buds but it will taste awful if anything to none. I'd make some tea or extract.
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