VG's DIY Cloning Attempt - Round One


New Member
Hey Guys Welcome to my first attempt at cloning.

I wasn't going to complicate thing's as i am only halfway through my first grow attempt,but after possibly having two out of my three ladies turn polyploid decided to attempt to clone them,so here goes

Rock wool cubes
Brand new razor blade
Brand New sharp scissors
Clonex rooting gel
1 Cardboard box
1 12watt cfl spiral bulb (715 lumens)
1 Cut down shopping basket (don't ask where i got it couldn't tell you ha ha)
1 Clone dome
Mister Bottle

First off i cut a hole the size of my extractor ducting in the bottom of the cardboard box using a razor blade(pic 1),and then cut a 1 3/4 inch slit across the top for the light(pic 2)


I then placed some (4) rockwool cubes into ph'd water and let soak for 20 mins

I chose where i wanted to take two cuttings from each of the Power Plant (all 4 were taken from the bottom 1/3 of the plant) I cut them all close to the main stem,and were all strong and healthy

I cut all the lower fan leaves off and just left the top sets of leaves,then i put them up against my clone dome to see what height i wanted to cut them put my thumb where i wanted to make the cut,then used a scissors to cut roughly a 45 degree angle under ph'd water(couldn't get pics of this needed more hands lol)

I then took the sterilised razor blade and scraped the bottom 3/4 of an inch of outer coating off the branch

I didn't leave the stuff on the bottom that was just so you could see what i was doing.

I took the razor blade and proceeded to make a half inch cut in the main stem from the bottom towards the top effectivly splitting her in 2 ;-)

I then placed the scraped,split cutting into the clonex rooting gel and left for a few mins

Then i placed the cutting(clone) into the pre soaked rockwool cube,gave them a good misting with plain ph'd water to 6.5 trimmed all the fan leaves that were left and repeated the process for all 4


I then misted the inside of the dome to keep the humidity high and placed inside my home made clone dome-dome



I will keep posting updates so watch this space !!

Thanks For Stopping by :)
Re: VG'S DIY clone attempt..Round one !!

Cool, I'll be watching this for sure & I'll be waiting for comments. + Reps Buddy for trying something that I'm to afraid to do myself.

Re: VG'S DIY clone attempt..Round one !!

Cheers for the reps SABO :-D

i wasn't really confident,i mean i knew what i was doing cos i watched co finest's vids a few times and been reading up just for it to sink in ! ha ha ha ! i decided to do all 4 in rockwool to start with,next time i clone i'm going to attempt half of the clones i take in soil :)
Re: VG'S DIY clone attempt..Round one !!

From the photo's, that looks like a well executed job, with no reason why it should fail, unless humidity or temperature are too low.
Re: VG'S DIY clone attempt..Round one !!

yeah thats what i was thinking Planet J,if this fails i have another method to try which is exactly the same but with a heat mat under the clone dome i bought,the light was a makeshift because i can't order the ones i need until tuesday its more suited to flower opposed to veg but the only one i could get my hands on at short notice,i didn't want to delay the big flip any longer lol
Re: VG'S DIY clone attempt..Round one !!

She'll go into recovery anyway .. too much 'trauma' to care about what light you give right now I'd say :p
Re: VG'S DIY clone attempt..Round one !!

I should have explained really i might have to edit it,i trimmed the fan leaves to 'trick' the clone into putting all its energy into making roots

Thanks for the reply, I'm not ready for clones yet, wouldn't have the room for it anyway. Great job, I love the lesson all the same. :bravo: :thanks:
Re: VG'S DIY clone attempt..Round one !!

Man outstanding. No heads up to get a front row seat on this awesome posting lol. I will recline the chair hand hang around. :bravo:
Re: VG'S DIY clone attempt..Round one !!

Oh I forgot.. Ding..Ding.. Lets get ready...To rumble. Round one. (Boxing quote)
hey CO as promised you had the first invite ;-) i did post the link in your monster train wreck journal y/day :) never mind your here now to watch me fail lmao ha ha (hope i don't)

Well i went out at 9am on the bike,just got back and all clones are looking ok and still standing upright,gave them some fresh air and a good misting will post some pics in the morning :)
Re: VG'S DIY clone attempt..Round one !!

Cheers for the reps SABO :-D

i wasn't really confident,i mean i knew what i was doing cos i watched co finest's vids a few times and been reading up just for it to sink in ! ha ha ha ! i decided to do all 4 in rockwool to start with,next time i clone i'm going to attempt half of the clones i take in soil :)

I watched CO Finest videos a couple of time also, nice videos with step by step instructions. Am still not too sure of myself though, maybe one day.
You should take the plunge SABO,it really isn't hard i watched CO's vids so many times so it sank in and done it without referring to youtube :)

I was confident i knew what i was doing,but when i was actually doing it was a different story,i was thinking all the time,have i forgot a step or what ! ha ha ha ha
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