Wanted: Full Time professional licensed growers

Jim Finnel

Fallen Cannabis Warrior & Ex News Moderator
The People of the State of Michigan enact: the Michigan Medical Marihuana Act.

With the recent passage of Michigan's LEGISLATION, the relative state department must Promulgate Rules by which to function effectively. While there is now hope where there was none, these rules will either assist or be a hindrance to the patient.

While this Law allows the patient or a "primary caregiver" to grow and provide the Marijuana for the patient, this dictates the patient or caregiver have the necessary skills, equipment, space, finances and time to dedicate to this task full time.

Under Michigan Law, a designated caregiver can assist up to 5 patients. This would serve to pool the resources together more efficiently, providing one space, shared equipment cost and presumably a designated "primary caregiver" who is a professional grower.

Today in California, of which the Michigan legislation was designed has had a set back handed down by their State Supreme Court which may affect the Promulgation of our Rules moving forward.

California Supreme Court Ruling Limits Medical Marijuana Distribution

November 24th, 2008
In an important legal case decided today that cannabis reform advocates have been waiting on for nearly two years, the California Supreme Court ruled that criminal defendants are not entitled to a defense as Proposition 215 (Prop 215) caregivers if their primary role is only to supply marijuana to patients.

"The Mentch decision highlights the inadequacy of California's current medical marijuana supply system," California NORML coordinator Dale Gieringer told the Indy Bay News . "The law needs to allow for professional licensed growers, as with other medicinal herbs."

The problem with this decision as well as the system set up to provide a "primary caregiver" status is that now the California Supreme Court is mandating these caregivers be relatives, personal friends and attendants, nurses. There are two problems with this finding, first those designated are not qualified to grow Marijuana and the second issue is that of the allowance for a "primary caregiver" to assist up to 5 patients. How many of your relatives and personal friends know 5 people who are legally allowed by state law to use marijuana for medical purposes ? Now expand that criteria throughout the entire state and apply it to the individual families of patients.

Wanted: Full Time professional licensed growers

While I am confident that I shall be approved under the Michigan Medical Marihuana Act, as it is currently being developed I am afraid it will be of no use to me.

My individual circumstance is such that I live alone, in a one bedroom apartment on a fixed income which is under the level of poverty. Therefore I am unable to afford the cost of the equipment needed to grow marijuana indoors. I am unable to afford the cost of the energy needed to run a lighting system 24/7 for 90 days straight.

I have one friend who has served as a primary caregiver for me when I needed assistance yet, he knows absolutely nothing about growing marijuana. Plus, he barely has time due to his working two jobs just to support himself.

As this law stands today, passed by the people of Michigan, while I qualify for coverage under the law I am unable to take advantage of this program due to the stringent requirements related to growing the plants.
The Michigan Medical Marihuana Act rules have not been written as yet.
I wish to ask everyone to assist me by writing The Bureau of Health Professions (BHP) within the Michigan Department of Community Health (MDCH) and lend your voice on this issue with my concerns in mind.

MDCH - Michigan Department of Community Health

I believe the best way forward, under the conditions spelled out in this legislation is for patients to organize under cooperatives and collectives with Full Time professional licensed growers.

My preference would be to grow my marijuana in the soil, under the sun. That option is not allowed under this law because it calls for the marijuana to be grown in a locked, enclosed room.

Thank you for your time and consideration on this matter.

by Richard Owl Mirror

im here im in michigan and i can do the job.... no drug convictions and most likely i will be growing for my self anyway.... cant speak on my genetics just yet.....thanks to all the brave voters, and im dead serious i helped those that needed it when it was a crime i wont stop now:peace::peace::peace:
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