Warren trying to help

LOL. Now back to reality, shes actually a 1990s Republican.
Shes nowhere even remotely close to a socialist.
In fact there's not a single socialist in the entire 538 members of the federal government.
Bernie Sanders is the closest, but he's a "Social Democrat" virtually identical to FDR.
Yes, she was a diehard conservative ... but, something happened that changed her.
A stroke? Mental illness? Menopause?

Who knows.
Even Benedict Arnold was a loyal American ... until he wasn't.

And ... Social Democrat? LMAO.
Yea, so is Castro, and Meduro.

Social Democrats want lots of free stuff.
Conservatives want freedom.
Stop watching corporate media please.

Democratic socialist only want the government to work for the bottom 99% exactly the way it does for the top 1%
No more no less.

The only programs in this country that work are the socialist programs.

Social security
Fire department
Anything with the word public in front of it are all socialist programs and this country would have completely collapsed into 3rd world status long ago without them.

You've been conned by the CORPORATE media to fight against your own best interest.
You're smarter than that.

And Warren hasn't changed one bit she's still the exact same lying Republican shes always been.
From what I understand the only reason she left the party was because the party went full blown Christofacsist and left run of the mill republicans like her behind.

1970s Republicans were WAY further to the left than the current Democratic party is today.
Today's democrats are just 1990s Republicans which is why they lost 1000 seats across the country in the past 15 years.
They are being handsomely paid to be zero opposition by the same billionaires and corporations that own the Republicans and the whole country is going straight down the toilet because of it.
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