Watering Advice Needed!


New Member
Can I use Arrowhead delivered water (comes in the 5 gal jugs) on my seedlings and maturing plants? I've heard that tap water is ok to use as long as you leave it out for a day or 2. Is that just as good?

Can someone tell me what kind of water (distilled, tap etc) water is best to use? Any advice or info would be MUCH appreciated!

As long as the water is clean then you should be allright to use it,just check the ph of it first.
As long as the water is clean then you should be allright to use it,just check the ph of it first.

What do you mean by clean? If the PH is 7.5 or close to, it can still have chlorine and other harmful chemicals in it, right? So how do I know what a good water source is?
If you're that worried about the water from house maybe you shouldn't drink it either! All that's needed is to let house water sit in a bottle for 2 - 3 days to let clorine, and whatever else the city pumped into it, dissipate.
If PH is 7.5 you'll need a 'PH down' preporation from garden shop to bring it down to 6 +or- .5.
Clean water is any drinkable water really.

Tap water is fine, if you let it sit out for a bit so the "chemicals" you mentioned have time to gas off. 7.5 PH is too high and needs to be 6.0-7.0.

Your bottled water would be great too! Just check the PH after adding nutes, and adjust as needed. Distilled is good, "spring water" is good.
If you're that worried about the water from house maybe you shouldn't drink it either! All that's needed is to let house water sit in a bottle for 2 - 3 days to let clorine, and whatever else the city pumped into it, dissipate.
If PH is 7.5 you'll need a 'PH down' preporation from garden shop to bring it down to 6 +or- .5.

I have some PH down already so I'll adjust accordingly. Can I just put a couple of gallons into a large bucket and let it sit in that for a couple of days?

Clean water is any drinkable water really.

Tap water is fine, if you let it sit out for a bit so the "chemicals" you mentioned have time to gas off. 7.5 PH is too high and needs to be 6.0-7.0.

Your bottled water would be great too! Just check the PH after adding nutes, and adjust as needed. Distilled is good, "spring water" is good.

I have some pretty good fert, but last time season I added too much to the soil and ended up over ferting it and killed them all :( What is the proper mixture or ratio on that stuff as the seedlings mature?
/\ Sure, water may be held in anything that holds water. Sounds like you're trying to overthink `the growing process.

What the fert says to add, start out slow maybe 1/4 to 1/2 of recommended concentration, then add a little more if girls seem pale.>)
lol, I'm just trying to cover all of my bases and be as accurate as possible. I screwed up last year and don't want to make the same mistakes twice. Ya dig? :smoke2:
Seedlings in soil don't need any feeding for the first month or so of life. I'd recommend an organic type fert to start because they don't burn from over-doing it as easy as some others. Try some Alaska Fish fertilizer if you can get it.

Thanks for the info. I'll make sure not to fert for another month then. I have some org fert left over from my last failed attempt lol.
lol, I'm just trying to cover all of my bases and be as accurate as possible. I screwed up last year and don't want to make the same mistakes twice. Ya dig? :smoke2:

That is good that you do not want to make the same mistakes, but believe me you will make mistakes,I usually make at least one a year :cheesygrinsmiley:
that's the good thing about being able to grow indoors, and being able to grow more than one plant, you make a mistake or kill a plant, you go oh shit, and move on to the next one.

smarter =]
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