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As legal State Approved Patient and Caregiver with permission to possess my plants as well as my patients plants. . Where does the Federal law regarding how many feet you have to be away from a school. Also is the requirement from school property line or from the actual school?
As legal State Approved Patient and Caregiver with permission to possess my plants as well as my patients plants. . Where does the Federal law regarding how many feet you have to be away from a school. Also is the requirement from school property line or from the actual school?

1000 ft. from the actual property line of the school. This is a general overall rule of thumb to go by... Generally speaking though... if valid patient/caregiver this rule of thumb should not exist... as it is lawful under state law to use one's mendicine.

In otherwords, it should not apply to any patient/caregiver either state or federal ... if it does, something is seriously wrong.

Also it would not be measured as the crow flys but, as the street/walking distance.
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