What growing median to use

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How do you intend to grow your plants? Do you intend to start your seeds in small rockwool cubes and then plant the cubes in another medium, or do you intend to grow only in rockwool?

Rockwool cubes must be fully soaked and properly pH'd prior to any use.
If you haven't started to gather your equipment, I recommend considering coco/perlite as your medium for your first grow. You won't have to deal with many of the issues that come with an RDWC such as daily checks of the TDS and pH. The difference is that coco/perlite is a drain to waste hydroponics system, rather than a recirculating hydroponics system. You won't need the water or air pumps and associated equipment. You'll also use far less water and nutrients.

If you are going RDWC, the information I gave you earlier applies.
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