What's up guys I'm new, and a beginner grower


New Member
Hi my names weedstuff and I love smoking weed, but I think I should start vapeing cuz that shits harsh, any suggestions? And don't say edibles! If I was a strain I would be purple. Just cuz I love the essence of purple weed:thumb:
If its hurting your lungs how long and how much do you smoke?Do you smoke cigarettes too? Also are you smoking premo stuff or 120/ oz stuff? Welcome to the site by the way

Welcome bro, this is that one stop shop for all your smoking and growing needs. And there's lots of cool people to trip wit while you blaze up.
I quit cigs 6 months ago and that's actually when it started up! I've had to slow my toking cuz of it :(
As for the prod I get hi and lo.. And the lo tends to be sprayed so it might even be the pesticides?
Idk.. But when I smoke fat it feels like my throat is closing up and I almost choke!!
Thx for the advice guys I think Ima like it here!
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