this is a recipe on ej website. why the verdi fire? why not add more ej grow? their big bloomin guano is just P, is this helping any? also is this recipe too strong to replace water and use at every watering? and is this recipe acceptable in a soilless medium? is there anything wrong with this recipe, like to much or too little of something?
The EJ "GIANT" Grow Tea-TP
Vegetative formula
1. EJ Grow: 1Tbsp
2. Big Bloomin Guano: 1tsp
3. Catalyst: 1tsp
4. MicroBlast: 1tsp
5. Verde Fire Grow: 1tsp
6. Hi-Brix MFP: 2tsp
7. Meta-K: 1/4 tsp
8. OilyCan: 1 tsp
9. Assist: 1/2tsp
10. Bio-Righteous: 1/2tsp
11. Rooter's Mycorrhizae 1/2tsp. If store for more than 5 days, recommend to add just prior to using.
Use with no dilution. Can store closed and vented in a cool area out of direct sunlight for 2-3 days.
Store "cold" up to 2 weeks.
The EJ "GIANT" Grow Tea-TP
Vegetative formula
1. EJ Grow: 1Tbsp
2. Big Bloomin Guano: 1tsp
3. Catalyst: 1tsp
4. MicroBlast: 1tsp
5. Verde Fire Grow: 1tsp
6. Hi-Brix MFP: 2tsp
7. Meta-K: 1/4 tsp
8. OilyCan: 1 tsp
9. Assist: 1/2tsp
10. Bio-Righteous: 1/2tsp
11. Rooter's Mycorrhizae 1/2tsp. If store for more than 5 days, recommend to add just prior to using.
Use with no dilution. Can store closed and vented in a cool area out of direct sunlight for 2-3 days.
Store "cold" up to 2 weeks.