Who's Re Token?


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There's a buzzz in that smoke you are blowing out into the room... Re Toking saves at least 20% and in our world that's about $60. Testing showed a better result than 20%. Much easier on your body too... Anyone else Re Token?
Re Toker is really designed for use buy one person for their own smoke re cycling... not passing. The only time it has been used to fill up smoke for someone to inhale was for Grandma.... Grandma has a tough time token, but likes Smoken... and she can from a ReToker if someone fills it for her... this is the exception. In a group you just keep your own Re Toker.
We don't have a clue about $100 a gram pot... it's a tough to cough up $300 an oz. If you blow tokes into a paper sack you will save at least $60... most likely $100 or better and the sack is free. AND PLUS your lungs and throat will thank you for using the paper sack. I used shopping bags and copper pipe... for years which works but changing the bag was a pain in the ass.... I would think a healthy thing to do is change the bag once a week -- mine gets used daily. So we came up with a zip lock bag... the information is free. Re Toker is $7 thus the commerical... content.
Not possible to absorb all that goodness in one toke... Unless when you exhale nothing comes out... As you get older that holding a toke becomes much less fun... it's not more fun when you are young either.... better to relax and just toke it easy and several times...
Drew, ReTokerman is a sponsor here, he pays to advertise. If him and the other sponsors did not sponsor us, you would have no place to hang your hat and make your posts here. Please show a little respect and support for our sponsors. Thank you. :)
yup it turned into a infomercial lol
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