Why did You start?

It sucks that the government, parents, educators and media are all so uninformed and/or comfortable lying to people about marijuana.

You know what, ain't that the truth. And that's exactly the reason I thought that it was so bad... b/c people are so uninformed and comfortable lying about it, that I grew up believing those people that were lying to me. Why wouldn't I? I didn't know any better. I'm just glad I grew up, learned to think on my own & got a real education about things (by real I mean truth) & made my own decision (key point).
I used to smoke occasionally, Didn't really get going until my accident to my back in 01'. Since 06' I have been using it for pain control, and let me tell you, WHAT a difference it makes! I have degenerative joint and disc disease, arthritis, and am only 44 yrs young. I don't let it get me down.....smoking has helped ten fold compared to other medications with horrible side effects that can kill you. So thats why I started! Gonna start gettin my own started so I can provide for myself! Rock on!
I agree.....I think they should not class 420 as this big huge "gateway" drug....when lets face it, is a buncha hooey! Misinformation is whats holding us that are for it back! The WHOLE position of 420 has changed since it first appeared in the U.S. back in the late fortys and fiftys. Has anyone ever watched "Reefer Madness"? OMG what a crazy show! No one I ever knew went CRAZY smoking weed....they portrayed it as a scare tactic to make parents afraid of it. I believe thats where it started....
I agree.....I think they should not class 420 as this big huge "gateway" drug....when lets face it, is a buncha hooey! Misinformation is whats holding us that are for it back! The WHOLE position of 420 has changed since it first appeared in the U.S. back in the late fortys and fiftys. Has anyone ever watched "Reefer Madness"? OMG what a crazy show! No one I ever knew went CRAZY smoking weed....they portrayed it as a scare tactic to make parents afraid of it. I believe thats where it started....

Yeah I've actually been prescribed more medications by my doctors that should be considered gateway drugs lol My nuero even talked to me about putting me in rehab when I needed to be taken off of one of the meds I'd been on for years b/c of detox/w/drawel issues. Um... sounds like it might lead to more hardcore drugs to me! LOL I've gone w/o pot before & never been like "OMG, get me to my pot or I'm gonna start freaking out." I'm more like "Damnit, my head really hurts."
I started because have always seen it in the movies and documentarys, read all the facts learned alotta shit and was like, sweet, im gettin fucking high, so one night my friends call me over to hang and smoke a blunt, we did, and is now so awesome :D
I was already a smoker of cigarettes and I had been drunk on numerous occasions before i met my first joint.
Me and my cousin found my mom´s and her boyfriends little nice box of paraphernalia. The year was 1992 . There was a big party the night before and me and my cuz was taking care of and hiding some of the leftover alcohol for us when we found this wooden box with nice carvings on it. In the box was rolling paper (john silver) a cornpipe, lots of loose tobacco and a big black/brown nice smelling piece the size of half my hand, i was just about to find out that it was my first encounter with hasch from Morocco. *Butt certainly not the last. (pun intended)
My mom just got up and I asked her what was in the box and she told me. It is Moroccan hasch, you smoke it to get a nice feeling, to get high. We talked about it for a while by the kitchen table the 3 of us, it turns out my cousin new what it was cause his mom and dad smoked that at their neighbors house in their hometown. By now me and my cousin was really intrigued by this lump of brown in front of us and we couldn't stop taking turns on holding it, looking at it, bending, smelling.. So my mom gets up from the table looks at us and went in to her bedroom, picked up the phone and called my cousins mom and told her what had happen with us finding their stash. After the conversation that took place out of range from our big ears she came back to the kitchen. My mother then began talk us trough the routine of how hasch is made and used, that is when i learned that hasch comes from marijuana. And as she was educating us she was mixing the tobacco and hasch and rolling it in to a, hmm, a joint however it ended up looking like a tiny fish without fins and a big belly! My mother lit the joint, she took a tiny tiny toke and puffed out some smoke, it looked so silly cause my mom is a heavy cigarette smoker and i have never seen her smoke like that. Then she passed it to my cousin and he just froze up, didn't now how to react!
My mom told my cousin that his mother and my mother are on the same page with this. So if you want to try smoking pot it is better You guys try this at home with your family then anywhere else. He took a little puff and past the joint to the left. I took a normal cigarette toke of this little special cigarette and i felt it almost straight away! My mother told us that one puff is enough and that we should wait for it and just make ourselves comfortable in the living room. I did not make it to the living room, i stayed in the kitchen parked in that chair. I was so high for the first time in my life and i was so full of awe for what was happening within me. My cousin crashed on the sofa and my mom asked me if I was ok. I told her i loved her and that she is awesome however she is not getting this joint back from my hand. We laughed so hard and her man that just woke up comes up and joined in for breakfast and he rolled up a proper joint using 2 of these small papers.
This was 10.00 o clock a clear bright sunny Sunday morning 21 years ago in august and i just experienced my first wake and bake.
I smoked that whole joint myself that day and i rolled my first joint that night and discovered munchies.. Now that is another story.. This discovery of cannabis was and is my epiphany that have helped me and guided me trough life ever since that day 21 one years ago.. This is the reason why and how i started smoking.
Love You mom.
Weed has been in my life since elementary school, my eldest brother had been selling, using, and been getting in all sorts of trouble. I thought weed was evil. As time went by I learned that it had no negative effects on the body and mind. So it was the beginning of 8th grade and I had decided to try it with my good friend. My mom was out of town and my middle brother was supposed to watch me. He was also a strong user and grower. So my friend came over to spend the night and we were ready to smoke. I remember it just like it was yesterday, it was dark out, it was Friday the 13th. We went to the park by my house and he pulled out this cheap pipe. I took one hit, I wasn't high; I didn't even know what being high was supposed to be like. We returned to my house and hung out. The next day after my friend had left I told my middle brother that I had smoked. I was reluctant to tell him because I was afraid he would tell my mom or something. To my surprise he was kind of happy, he took me out to his grow shed where he had his personal plants. He showed me his extensive bong collection, so we smoked a few bowls out of his nicest bong. It was magical, I felt so high that I could touch the sky. My middle brother had always been kind of mean to me, but since then him and I have become a lot closer through marijuana. I started smoking because I felt like it was what I needed to do, and it was
About 22 years ago 1992. I knew people who puffed but I only drank. Hot girls asked me once if I could run for them so i tried and got some. They gave me half of it. I sat on it for awhile sniffing the container I put it in once in awhile. One night I took a can pipe and did small drags off it without inhaling or so I thought. Well I puffed and puffed like a tobacco pipe and all of a sudden the room spun on me but did not make me sick. I felt relaxed and had the best sleep of my life. I tried it again another time and again best sleep ever. Cannabis has only positive influences in my life the only negative is from pigs and oh boy I hate pigs! Ever since I been in and out of jail and courts fighting it. Last few years been pretty peaceful though.
I did in high school as recreation. Later had to give up for work, wife, kids, life.
I have had migraines my whole life. At least once a month would go through 5-10 days straight. I have tried many many medications over the past 40 years for migraines, as well as many other medications for which I am diagnosed. I recently retired, kids are all in college, and I just had to try it again. Funny but what used to be for recreation I now use as medication. This works far better with less side effects than anything I have ever been prescribed. Why? Isn't medical marijuana researched, refined, studied and used people! I know, $.
I am so happy now and feel soooo much better. My migraines have been reduced by 90% 90% of the time. Compared with rx drugs at 30%/30% at best.
I have my life back. My kids even noticed how well I was doing. They had witnessed first hand how it disabled me for days a month growing up. They are happy for me.
Too much of anything is bad people.
This is not as bad as media and history has made it.
We can even rely on our own government to stay open.
Really people! Ok getting off subject.
Peace people. We are all here for just a short time:)
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